Creator Store: Buy and Sell Plug-Ins with Real-World Currency

Of course it is. Your problem was that your income is being taxed. Taxed. The word tax in question is causing your problem. If not for taxes then your income would be? Definitely not taxed. It’s a solution to the problem you’ve showed us but you don’t seem to actually believe in this problem.

No. It is not more convenient for new developers to purchase plugins with USD$. The reasons are plenty.

First of all, when plugins were purchaseable with robux, then you didn’t have to spend anything to actually buy said plugins. Seriously, you could earn robux without spending a penny and then use said robux to buy plugins. This was especially advantageous for those who live in poor socioeconomic conditions, especially in the 2nd and 3rd world.

Second of all, now you must give away even more information than before to be able to access basic functions of the website that you could have had in the past without giving your personal information away. This is especially bad for those who care about their private security and are aware that Roblox is a ticking bomb and at any given time someone can release a new list of breached information from the roblox databases. Same with Stripe, they’ve had their security problems in the past - and not so distant past may I add. It already happened on the start of this decade in 2021 I believe. The more services you put in between yourself and the product and the more information you give them the more probable it is for that information to get leaked.

Third of all, those who now cannot afford to buy those plugins for many reasons. One can be it because they cannot exchange their robux to real-life money through DevEx and don’t want to spend their real money. Second can be it that they simply cannot afford it because they don’t have money. I’ll surprise you, there are poor people among us and they can’t afford even basic plugins.

Fourth of all, the smallest developers will suffer the most as their plugins will be at the back of the store page and they will get the smallest amount of attention which will be unable to translate itself into anyone buying those plugins except for few rare exceptions. Previously they could sell their plugins for small prices and over time earn robux that they could spend elsewhere. This was possible because anyone could get robux without restrictions. Now it’s not. Now the consumer base will decrease. It literally decreased by over a half for the biggest plugin creators when they started pricing their plugins in thousands of robux. Although thanks to that they are on the front page they get the most attention - which means they get the most consumers as well.

Fifth, this will lead to an increase in piracy in plugins. This will decrease potential income of plugin creators and at the same time put people who download those pirated plugins at risk of being infected with malware inserted there by bad distributors. Nobody wins, except for those who spread the malware because Roblox game them the perfect environment to do so.

I have so many arguments against this update and I can’t even find a single argument in my head I would genuinely believe in for why this update is good. Not even one. All of the arguments you’ve presented me while logical, are unfortunately based on insufficient information, optimism and hope instead of calculated cold reason.

It’s literally Roblox’s fault because they created the environment to allow this. This update made piracy even more positive than before for those who couldn’t afford the plugins or thought they were too expensive or too hard to get. I am putting the blame not on the users, but on the Roblox. Because Roblox knew that they would do this. Roblox knew that people would have their accounts and computers compromised over this. Roblox ignored all of this and still decided to push this faulty update. Roblox did NOTHING to prevent this, only to give piracy everything it needs to grow. Stop supporting Roblox when it’s not going to support you.

What you said is irrelevant because I explained in detail why plugins are important for making games. Quote the entire argument and discuss it instead of picking words.

Then read above, I have never seen anyone being so masochistic as to not use any plugins available on the marketplace whatsoever despite being able to. That or I have never seen such a strict company on roblox that didn’t allow you to use plugins. Although if I have to think of one company that does, then I do have an idea which one it may be. Gamefam to be specific. And that’s not a good thing. Either way the point is that you should use plugins when you can because it helps with your work and not having access to it will severely impact the quality and speed of your work.


Case in point. This update will definitely not help creators like you. This will only push your consumers even further away from you if you choose to make your plugins purchaseable. As now their only option to buy your plugins - should you choose to make your plugins purchaseable - is to give away their real money and private information to a company with questionable reputation. If you even find a single person to do that then I will personally congratulate you - because I expect you to find none, at least not in the short term.

While I understand your concerns and want to thank you for agreeing with one of my points, I do have to point out that removing robux taxes for selling plugins would drastically improve your income without you even having to increase your prices. This is great not just for you but also for customers who won’t even feel anything and your sales will remain relatively the same after the update, as it would only affect you, the seller.

Developers were wanting completely 0-10% fees.

I recall the argument behind wanting lower fees that it doesn’t make sense that plugin developers were having to deal with the same amount of fees as game developers. Plugins are far less intensive than running a game server, most plugins are less than 1MB and don’t really require much else other than thumbnail storage.

Meanwhile for games, you have to handle having a lot more stuff. It just wasn’t fair.

Whilst I’m at it, I also think the fees on UGC are absurd, why is it more than everyone else? It’s not like it’s helping to prevent people stealing other people’s IP (such as this, which seems to be still up). Still horrified me that public UGC might be coming soon because Roblox can’t handle things now.

I’m not aware of how the payment process works, but I’m fairly sure when buying a plugin, all the money and information will go to Stripe right? I know you’ve pointed out concerns for both Stripe and Roblox so I can’t tell which one you’re referring to here.

I don’t think they care about the consumer base, they knew it would happen.

They want more money from it, that’s all. (even at the cost of making something inaccessible to people)

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Yeah. It sends you to a Stripe-owned website where you fill all of your credit card information.

When it comes to the latter it’s only for the sellers who need to give their ID and all of their personal information with it to Roblox. The buyers at least now don’t have to do that.

I understand that. The problem however does occur for both parties. The first party, the sellers, will suffer the problem of lower sales for reasons mentioned above. I think their sales will decrease. However, I am certain that all plugin creators on the 2nd and later pages will suffer financial losses from this, with losses increasing the further down the marketplace they are. As I’ve said, currently those on the top before the USD update were getting 2-5 sales every day with prices starting from thousands of robux. I expect those sales to drop by a half minimum. The buyer party is self-explanatory and I gave I believe 5 points as to why they lose on this update in this post: Creator Store: Buy and Sell Plug-Ins with Real-World Currency - #478 by ekcja1

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Add a Robux option, poof problem solved.


Why don’t you add an option to convert like 5.99$ to robux if you will buy a plugin?

What I mean:

  1. You decided to buy a plugin.
  2. The plugin says 5.99$
  3. You click on it and you have 2 options:
    a) Pay with real-world currency.
    b) Pay with robux (5.99$ to robux which basically means that 5.99$ converts into amount Robux and you can pay with robux and it will make it easier.)

Why did you even added it in the first place anyway?


I still do not understand, what bad things can happen if you just allow Robux to be an additional payment type?
You satisfy both sides, because apart from USD revenue, you also get Robux revenue, it may be taxxed to death by roblox, but it will still be some sort of income???

Honestly, i believe if you do that there will still be people that will use USD to buy plugins, a few reasons why:

  • They want to support the creator with a fair payment
  • They don’t want to waste robux for the plugin, and use USD instead because it may be more reliable? i guess

Like for real, Robux can be used for quite a bunch of things on the site, buying gamepass for your game, group related changes, etc…

Sometimes you’d want to keep robux for those kind of things, so those who can, will just use USD instead… Because that means they don’t waste robux on the plugin, meaning no need to buy more robux if they’d need it next time, and still pay the creator of the plugin they bought a good price.

Those who cannot afford USD pricing, will use Robux, and like whats so bad in that?
There will be income still, maybe taxxed by roblox as i said, but it will be an income

Plus there are alot of young developers out there, that might not be able to even buy plugins/and or if they’re from a country that doesnt support it.

Seriously why do you want to sabotage one side for another? You did your magic in the materials update, kept the old materials because people wanted that, (quite stupid thing to compare i know) and everyone was happy in the end, but here its apparently an issue…

i actually want someone to tell me what could go wrong if both options were kept. I’ll read through.


I have sold 7 copies of the plugin in the last 11 days.
Now I have to wait until I turn 18 in the summer…
And no, I’m not going to risk a false birth date when Stripe tells me that false information is punishable by perjury.


Awful. How are people from countries that aren’t allowed to use Stripe going to sell plugins?


Guys, just use gampasses now
I’m making a tutorial soon on how to make it work great with gamepasses, to make sure the user owns it. If roblox wants us to do it the other way, we’ll do it the other way

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Roblox always making crap updates, why the hell do you have to be above the age of 18 to sell plugins when you don’t even have to be 18 to devex…


With the way the DevEx rates are what they are right now. It would take some people a long time just to be able to DevEx and get back what the spent on a plugin. Plus with like 3ds max there is free alternatives like Blender thats free, most plaugins do not have a free alternatives. Then again some of the plugins are not at all worth spending USD. Maybe if Roblox let plugins modify the Studio UIs, and have the ability to do more it would be worth spending USD on one. Its just a thought though.

because the audience of the plugin marketplace is toxic and threatens creators to have their prices abysmally low. I’m talking like 5 - 100 robux, which isnt even a dollar in DevEx terms.

audience needs a rude awakening on how pricing actually works and they need to stop being toxic against plugin developers, with the new USD and price floor they are forced by roblox to deal with it.


Lol :rofl::rofl:
So apparently I can’t sell for robux anymore, yet Stripe doesn’t support my bank itself! Guess I will not even get the meager earnings I was already getting. Truly thank you roblox. For catering to a very widespread problem.


No. You cannot just “remove” tax, that is not how economies work. Sure it would be awesome to not pay any tax but that is not a realistic solution and you and I both know that.

The current market evidence shows this is not true. Just for comparison of how false that is, if a plugin is sold at 100 (which is on high end for a Roblox plugin), it will take 4x as many sales for the creator to make a dollar vs. the new method. And 1 dollar is far too litte. If the plugin is at 5 dollars, which is quite reasonable, the creator would need to sell 20x the amount in Robux to make the same amount as 1 USD sale. That’s not fair.

It’s not as simple as good/bad. There are pluses and minuses to everything. There are also reasons that this is happening. The old system did not work. Plugin developers were not paid fairly, low quality plugins were abundant, and the system was not friendly to new developers coming from outside of Roblox. A change had to be made, and ultimately this is what Roblox decided to do.

That is what many plugin developers were forced to do.

Since you wanted me to quote the entire thing, here you go. You can still make all types of games without plugins. Yes, plugins save time. Yes, they make things easier. That does not mean you cannot make all types of games. If these plugins save you this much time or are this essential to your process, you should be more than willing to pay for them. The developers spent time working on it, and should be paid fairly.

This is not a “strictness” issue. This is a security issue for many companies. Not every studio on Roblox is a professional company and I understand that, but even outside the realm of Roblox, it is not uncommon for companies to create their own internal tools based on other libraries or software to prevent them relying on a tool that is external.

I had a similar perspective as I took my first college Computer Science class, that it was silly to not be able to use libraries or tools that make it easier, but I understand why they did it now. It has made me a better programmer and this applies to fields outside of programming as well. I still use tools and libraries, but I also know how to create stuff without it, and not rely on them solely. And again, if it is that essential to your development process, then I don’t understand the problem with paying for it. It’s clearly valuable.

Why cant we just have a few normal updates that don’t make the platform worse. The thought process isn’t bad, but really not being able to have ROBUX as an option??? Oh yea that’s right you are a company and you will screw over your own Devs for your benefit. Not to mention the ridiculous amount of personal information you have to enter just to sell a plugin for money now… Really?? Every day I reconsider weather or not ROBLOX is the platform for me.


I agree, why did roblox remove the ability for so many developers to be fairly compensated?! With a high price floor and elimination of robux options, many developers can no longer get a fair price for their work and simultaneously had their market entirely eliminated! It’s an outrageous move

I think there would be significantly fewer complaints if they had left in the robux option. Big developers with fancy plugins could ignore it just fine, while people making small things that don’t want to work for free but don’t think it’s worth a whole lot could be happy too. Now it’s impossible to sell plugins to most young developers even if it’s not anything fancy


Retaining the robux option also solves Creator Store: Buy and Sell Plug-Ins with Real-World Currency - #493 by un1ND3X

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This. Russia was, as of the 2021 statistics, third country in the number of developers on Roblox.

While overall the goal of this update is amazing, it leaves a lot of people empty-handed, like developers based in Russia (Complete inability to buy anything) or Brazil (High prices), as well as the aforementioned young devs, which there are a lot of. Quite unfortunate.
The best solution for both of these problems would be to allow plug-ins to be bought with Robux as well as real money.