Creator Store: Buy and Sell Plug-Ins with Real-World Currency

[Update] April 29, 2024

[Update] April 12, 2024

Hi Creators!

The Creator Store with real-world currency (USD) pricing is now live! We’re excited about how this will allow creators to earn over 3X the revenue share per sale.

As of today:

  • All plugins with a USD price set are live and available on the Creator Store.

  • Plugins with only a Robux price and no USD price have been set to private to ensure that your content is protected until you choose to set updated prices.

  • All Creator Store transactions occur in real-world currency.

  • Creator Store earnings are no longer subject to Devex or platform fees. After Roblox’s 10% tax and fee deduction, creators will be paid 90% of all transactions directly to their onboarded bank account.*

To learn more, check out our documentation.

We have also launched our new Transactions tab on Creator Dashboard, which allows you to track your purchase, sales, and payout history for paid Creator Store assets.

Keep your eyes out for a few more releases coming soon! Here’s a sneak peek of what’s coming this summer:

  1. Adding Model Sales: You will be able to sell models on Creator Store.

  2. Creator Store Analytics: You will be able to see analytics for free and paid Creator Store models and plugins. Track your performance over time and help optimize your Creator Store pricing.

*For more information about the Creator Store economy and our strategy (ex. Why USD? What fees are deducted?), see our post here.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Thank you.


Will free assets still be available?

  • You will still be able to publish, acquire, and distribute free assets. The launch of the real-world currency system does not force all assets to be priced. Free assets are not subject to the same country restrictions as paid assets.

How will Roblox help sellers under 18 who are now unable to sell assets in the real-world currency system?

  • The team is actively investigating unlocking the ability for creators under 18 to sell their assets on Creator Store. We want to ensure that we do this in a safe manner and hope to have an update later this year.

How are sellers protected from fraudulent chargebacks?

  • Roblox as a platform has policies established to prevent the abuse of chargebacks. Accounts associated with unauthorized charges (i.e. chargebacks) are subject to suspension. For more information on Roblox’s chargeback and refund policy, please see our Terms of Use.

The new system has more restrictions on supported countries. How will Roblox resolve this for newly unsupported locations?

  • We understand that our requirements for buying and selling Creator Store assets are more rigorous than before in order to enable automated payouts and high revenue share. We are investigating ways to expand monetization and purchasing availability to more creators in the future.

    One notable addition since launch – Brazil will soon be supported on the Creator Store. Users in Brazil are able to purchase assets on Creator Store, and the team is working on unlocking selling for creators in Brazil which will be available in a few weeks.


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Still want a Robux option. ID verification, as I have said many times before, is sub-ideal and I am not older than 18, so now I can’t make paid assets? Please just readd Robux as an option for everybody 13+, USD-based catalog is not as perfect as some people will make it look (cough). It should be an option to get the higher profit USD, not a requirement forced on all of us. Roblox seems to have a thing for forcing everybody into things all at once, for better or for worse, this is not the place. All this is doing is opening the doors wide open for piracy and redistributing for free which is probably not the idea.

Edit: have checked out the store. A lot of the plugins are now super overpriced (thanks again for forcing $4.99 minimum!) and now the only thing i can say is “why didn’t i pick these up for cheap!”, not “this is so good, i can now spend real money instead of robux i earned from a game!”. It’s insane how different Roblox is now. I stopped being a player years ago when that was ruined, now they’re coming for developers? Time to learn unreal engine…


This kinda sucks though. Nice that you can get more money for selling plugins, but if we have to use USD for so many things now instead of Robux, why even keep Robux around? Not to mention that people under 18 cant even sell plugins now.


This is terrible.

Not only can users under 18 not sell plugins for money, most users under 18 can’t buy them either. You’re locking out most developers from having access to an essential part of our day-to-day development experience.

EDIT: Roblox has finally added support for users under 18, although this decision is inefficient and maintains the barriers of before but now with a cheap investor excuse.

Credits to Paramount.

We need real metrics for Roblox’s block-minded investors:

  • Like this update
  • Dislike this update
  • Both

0 voters


Excited to see if this improves the marketplace! The question if we can somehow convert Robux into credit directly remains though, hearing that a lot from creators under the DevEx minimum.


Roblox on their way to release some of the most controversial, bizarre, unusual and unasked for updates: (it’s all for the metaverse, trust us bro)


I understand that there are significant benefits to moving to USD, however, I don’t see a reason why a robux option can’t also suffice. Many creators have loads of undevexed robux and can easily buy plugins directly that way. Alternatively, converting robux to credits is also a pretty good idea:


This feature is great for plugin creators. I’m excited to see how the new revenue model will incentivize innovation on the creator store!


On other open markets assets/plugins can be 5x the price you mentioned. It’s supposed to be about supporting the creator and not the end user. Learning unreal engine will only cost you more if you want any extra plugins or assets


Aaand poof! There goes all of your young developers! We didn’t need them anyway, right? We’re only here for the giant supercorporations and the gazillions of dollars! It’s almost as if Roblox was oriented for children to… create and play games made by “millions” of other “users!” It’s a great change, because the engine is so up-to-date and 1:1s UE5 and Unity that we’re going to start attracting all of the professional adult developers!


Your claim is quite ridiculous on the note that the team is looking for better solutions.


Why do I have to fully set up a Stipe account including providing W-8/W-9 tax forms just to sell free plugins? This seems unnecessarily restrictive.

Stripe onboarding is not required for free assets: the wording was confusing and is being updated. Thanks for the quick reply @crayzdesi4


Oh yes, one of the worst updates to come out in recent years.
First of all, I would like to repeat some of the last things that I’ve said in the last post:

    1. A TON of developers are now left out in the dark due to their country not being supported.
    1. Even if they aren’t in those countries, the requirements to be able to become a seller are ridiculous. Sorry, I’m still not giving out my private information just to be able to sell a plugin. If I do it, I’ll do it on websites like (not an advertisement) where I have a lot more freedom in my hands. And, you have to be over the age of 18 too which will eliminate tons of young developers from the market.
    1. Let’s talk about the economy. Inflation is unfortunately real and the value of USD is quite different in many countries. In many countries, the ability to obtain a plugin is extremely hard due to the inflation in those countries, Robux was the only option for these developers in those countries due to it being not directly affected by the inflation. For a normal dev in the USA, paying 15 bucks is pretty easy, while if you’re in India, Japan, or Turkey, it’s like spending your entire month/week’s allowance.
    1. It may look like this change has good parts in it. Now many developers will be able to get paid a lot more from their plugins and the real worth of their plugins will be a lot more visible… Right? The thing is, if you eliminate half of the developers from the market, and make the entire market now based on USD instead of Robux, you’re basically either removing half or most of the customers. The sales will plummet, and sure the devs will earn more… but at what cost? If my plugin is now being sold like 3 times a month, I’m not earning more than before lol.

One of the worst changes I’ve ever seen, there are far better solutions out there that could’ve benefitted everyone, but you guys decided to go with the most lazy option there to ever exist. For a platform that advertised itself as a place where everyone around the world regardless of their status would come play and create, you sure have done quite the opposite.


Here, let me put this in green text for you…

  • Roblox wants to move towards more mature and modern development
  • their engine is decades out of date and scares off any actual professional developers and companies
  • their current player base of developers are people who have been developing since they were young, and that line has been coming along until now.
    • Young developers now have restricted access to development tools because of the required real-world payment

This makes Roblox as a whole unattractive for young and professional development


I have a credit card, I have a lot of USD, and yet I will most likely not buy plugins anymore. Roblox, one of the reasons people like this platform IS its microeconomy, and heck, it’s probably one of the reasson Roblox Corp even makes profit.

Please stop trying to move away from the microeconomy when it is obviously working and giving some people jobs or sources of income. This is stupid.


My point was more so that the experience has been bad for players for a looooong time now, and it seems to be headed that way for developers, with them shoving ID verification, USD, and other stuff so far down our throats it’s getting impossible to avoid now. I don’t like Epic and Unity has a bad company (who also owns an advertising agency and sketchy privacy policy), but at this point I need a backup in case Roblox gets worse.


Which are all improving so your argument is not sufficient. The first point is not even a bad one


Finally! Now plugins can actually made with some degree of revenue. Ditching Robux was needed to make plugins remotely worth it. The race to the bottom we had of <500 Robux plugins made robust plugins really hard to justify making because there was literally no path to paying for the time over making a game.




That’s fine, I agree that ID verification is a bad method. Although complaining about plugin prices is just crazy at this point