Creator Store: Buy and Sell Plug-Ins with Real-World Currency

you’re comparing a 500 usd plugin to a 5 usd plugin

People are acting like every plugin is going to be $5, and that free ones will no longer exist. I think more developers are going to adopt the Lite vs Premium model where they have two versions of the same plugin on the marketplace, one being free and the other being paid with more features.


when you get what you want, you don’t want it

the fact that you can just learn how to optimise your game properly and save $500


Well, it depends on the target audience each game is looking for. For example if i would create a game for adults, i would not like the revenue i would be getting to be in robux instead of i would like the revenue i would be getting to be in real world currency.

It’s a matter of choice.

Now, this option can be optional for game creators and not mandatory.

only my opinion tho

This argument seems to be going in circles. My point was very simple. When game dev is no longer a hobby, paying an engineer to implement a plugin is expensive. It’s almost always cheaper to buy something that already exists once than pay someone you hire to implement it again. That is my simple point.

I’m not comparing anything. The $500 plugin was a completely different conversation. I just don’t understand why $5 for a plugin is so unacceptable. I don’t think it’s that much money for a good plugin. If it’s not a good plugin, why do you care? Just don’t buy the plugin.

what would you choose

spend 5$ on a food or spend 5$ on a plugin instead buying the same plugin but for 400 robux?

Basically what I’m trying to say that if you want to buy 400 robux, it would cost you ~4,99 usd. But if you want to dev-ex 400 robux, it would give you like 0.05 cents I believe lol?


Exactly my point. Robux is much more accessible and comfortable.

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$5 for a new colour is insane


Because in the 400 robux scenario the person who made that plugin is being completely ripped off. That’s why this whole thing started. 400 robux is not a valid price for plugins and there’s no scenario where you can fairly compensate the developer with that.

Even if you removed the marketplace tax, the flat DevEx rate still makes robux significantly less valuable than USD. The robux price of the plugin has to be marked up for the dev to be fairly compensated, as we saw with Moon Animator and the Elttob Suite plugins.

By making the marketplace USD-based, the true value of plugins is no longer obfuscated. The creators are fairly compensated and people know what they are actually paying them.

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Then don’t buy it. It’s a free market, you don’t have to buy something you don’t feel is worth it.


if you’re not enjoying the income you’re getting from plugins, then move on to something else? Robux currency is way more accessible than USD.


What would you choose? Give a developer $5 or give a developer a fraction of a cent? This is literally what this is meant to address. Instead of Roblox getting the money, now the people doing the work do.

This reply completely undermines the effort made by the developers of plugins you care about so much. Congratulations. You’re perfectly comfortable paying cents to developers who invested hours of time. Do you not see the problem with this?


lets not forget that you can simply just price your plugin at 4000 robux

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those are kinda like donations, MA2 offers you free theme customization iirc

But yeah, lol. Imagine plugins that slightly changed your baseplate, or applied some sort of “great” texture costed 5 dollars each. insane. Majority of plugins nowadays just make something you can do yourself, be made but in 1 click, instead of working for the results you want to achieve. Its sad and crazy.


well I won’t deny that this plugin may be good for creators of those plugins, but not for people who are willing to buy them.

if I would be developing plugins by myself, I would call this feature best so far. But lets remember that people are buying plugins as well, and robux would be cheaper than usd.

This is the only gripe I have with this change right now. The floor is a little bit too high and stifles monetizing small plugins and plugin extensions.

Yep, and then you receive death threats and endless shit from the community because the price has been marked up so much.

then simply ignore it lol? what’s the issue? wouldn’t you also receive death threats and endless stuff if you priced your plugin at $30

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