Creator Store: Buy and Sell Plug-Ins with Real-World Currency

yeah i agree. im just dont like this update.

roblox hq finding every way to upset their developers bruh

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The problem with your devex conversion idea is that there is no provision for a customer to buy Robux with real money and purchase a plug-in with that Robux at ‘real currency’ value.

This is needed if a customer does not wish or cannot make a USD(‘real currency’) purchase directly from the web site.

How do we magically convert ‘purchased robux’ to ‘devex devalued robux’? If we can’t do that then Robux payment isn’t going to work.

That’s just spending real world money with extra steps. Surely what you should really be asking for here is for Roblox to ensure that, if you can purchase Robux, you can also purchase tools on the Creator Store.

Going through the retail Robux rate and the DevEx rate just slaps an 8x cost increase in the middle which will make your prices go completely bananas.

Some people buy their Robux at the Drug store or grocery store down the street. Roblox web site doesn’t accept cash.

But I get your point, you can’t accommodate everyone.

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This is what would need to be solved to ‘fix’ Robux/usd pricing.

Robux can’t be worth both $1 and $0.30(or less). So which is it? Depends on where you got it and what you intend to do with it!

Same problem with paying for comissions with Robux. If the dev wants to use the robux to play, its worth more, if they want to devex it, its worthless… I mean worth less :slight_smile:

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That’s a fair point.

The differential here is actually the cost of operating Roblox as a service, and matches how Roblox reports the % of earnings going to creators overall. The DevEx rate bundles in costs of server hosting, database, infrastructure, maintenance, app store fees, employee wages, etc etc, all into one rate that doesn’t expose the costs directly. That’s why they’re different.

In practice, this actually turns into a subsidy for newer creators. The more you earn, the greater the costs you pay, which then lets Roblox offer free services to newer creators.

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Right but how would a plugin dev who wants to be payed in Robux (or has to due to age/coutry/etc.) how would they get their value? If the USD purchase is converted to Robux at retail rate, they get a tiny amount of Robux. If they set the price in devex robux rate, how would the buyer who wants to use Robux get their value(the retail rate)?

I’m not sure how Roblox would be able to add both options.

This is the core thesis of my original video back in the day :slight_smile:

After years of debate, this is where it all landed! See the entire playlist for the complete progression. Later videos touch on how increasing prices to match DevEx has negative effects for buyers, too.


Lame idea:

A third currency, FauxBux

FauxBux value = Robux for in game purchases, avatar market, etc.
FauxBux value = devex rate USD
Robux value = retail rate USD

Plugin pricing has 3 price settings: Robux, FauxBux, UDS

there, problem solved.

Bonus, you can see your devex-able account value by checking your FauxBux balance.

Before I get flamed, this is a joke :slight_smile: (I think)


Screw 3rd world countries ig…

Lowkey lame that Roblox decided to ignorethe valid issues with this update but whatever :roll_eyes:

Why can’t you do this automatically? What about plugins made by devs who have quit or died???

“No more fees cough after we take a 10% fee cough

But seriously the decision to force usd instead of giving the plugin developers a choice is lame and the fact this update was pushed when theres places that are restricted from it is stupid. When you push a big update like this you should at least make sure it works EVERYWHERE!

Speaking of Robux/USD pricing co-existance

The problem here is how could engineers allow co-existance of robux as fallback option? Some of the ideas from users included making a credit similiar to ad credit to buy plugins with, which sounds good on paper, but the only painpoint I could figure out is how marked up the price would be in Robux compared to USD (since yknow, devex rates and fees and all that). I don’t know what other painpoints there could be having Robux as fallback. Let me know if there’s any.

Sorry if I sound like I am advocating the Robux pricing, it’s just that it’s more accessible for those who’s say earning Robux from a game and they have a regional lockout for example, or services just go “nah we dont need you”. (Elttob’s “Access Anywhere” is already looking like a good program tho :eyes:)

(also i see many people raising topics abt “exploiting plugin sellers for gain”. imo its seller’s pov on how to price things. those who want to contribute to community would likely price it for free or make it easily affordable (100 robux). if they consider it a piece of art they would obviously mark up the price a lot.)


There could be a button to pay $4.99 (for example) or pay 400 :robux:. Premium Users will get a 30% discount.

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I understand where this change comes from, as I’ve seen all of Elttob’s videos on the matter and the revenue share % used to be a serious issue with the plugin marketplace. But mannn it sucks being <18 and not having the option to sell plugins anymore…

Need statistics?

  • Robux
  • USD
  • Both

0 voters

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Overall, this change is literal garbage.
I have seen a huge quantity of negative backlash in this thread, all of which I totally agree with.

Learn to listen to your community.


This doesn’t work. Seller receives $1.40(or less) value from the Robux (if they want USD)

There’s a difference between “higher” requirements and downright blocking a LARGE portion of the player base from buying or selling plugins.

You should of known this wouldn’t have been well received I don’t know why this was even released to begin with.


Me and another guy already did this.

I agree I just think it’s a good option for people who have plugins that are kinda ““shareware””, the robux is like a tip or donation for something that is simple enough to be free. I guess there’ll be more free alternatives or suites of tools people make that will actually be worth the $5.