Creator Store: Buy and Sell Plug-Ins with Real-World Currency

The issue with this video is that Eltobbs experience is not a direct reflection of everyone else, 5 of his plugins are on the first page of the plugins tab, therefore no matter what he will always have the most exposure. Not to mention some of the most popular plugins on Roblox are not included on the first page, take Archimedes for instance (2nd page of plugins), that is one of the most popular building plugins, and Imiji (by eltobb, 1st page of plugins), which I have never seen a person use. It leads me to believe that Roblox is allegedly putting his plugins higher because he does videos praising Roblox on this topic. At the end of the day what he is saying is an anecdotal fallacy, and the evidence he provides is not supportive of a USD market where you lose a lot of people from countries who are unable to afford USD pricing, it is like comparing apples to oranges.


Why is there no options to buy with Robux? I don’t see why that can’t be a option


Considering the release of subscriptions, I wouldn’t be surprised. Albeit subscriptions only grant developers their Robux value, seeing USD purchases in attempts to ‘ditch the childish nature of robux’ is probably something they’d do for investors.

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What many people don’t understand is, most of these videos are based on their point of view. Of course it will work for them, almost every single plugin is on the front page and they have a community to back them.

Now, take that and turn it into a small developer or a younger developer that can’t use real life money or struggles to make a community that will constantly support them like some of the big creators. Two very different things.

While I’m not against this change 100%, I do believe this could’ve been made an option and not be forced to do something. Roblox is whole thing is to imagine other developers and target younger audience. With this update, it does not seem like we are reaching them.

Now, about the moderation and legal aspect of things are 100% not going to happen with a younger person and would need somebody over the age of 18+ to do it for them.


Myself and my viewers are aware of this nuance. I actually point out multiple times in that very video that the data is mine and has a lot of asterisks attached.

However, that doesn’t mean that the points I put forward should be discarded for anyone else. I’ve actually thought very long and deeply about these issues, and have talked to many, many creators smaller than myself. I’m aware of the biases that exist and the networks which keep me successful. They even kept me successful in the older system which worked for almost nobody else.

So I still have conviction in what I believe, even for smaller creators - because I believe that the status quo was choking them, full stop. Returning to the way things were will solve almost none of the issues that people in this thread believe it would. The only thing it’d perhaps do is allow some under-18s or international devs to make a trickle of money, as opposed to this new system where they’ve been completely locked out. Rather than throwing the baby out with the bathwater, the way forward here is to discover better ways of meshing USD pricing with the needs of these groups. That’s why my advocacy talks more abstractly about concepts like “earnings as payment” rather than saying “running Robux pricing in parallel” - because the latter has far too much potential to just regress to the old system that choked everyone. New ideas are needed.

I’m happy we agree about much of that point, seemingly. I’m very aware of all of the asterisks that come with my situation, I try and make that clear in these videos, and I don’t think that undermines my points at all.


I agree if we move back to Robux only then, we would he in more issues then it already is. If we did both solutions (usd and robux) and let people choose between both of them or one of them we would be sorted out with both sides.

I appreciate what you do, and I mean no disrespect or anything to you or your plugins. I feel like giving half and half would solve more issues then choosing one sided and then leaving the other half wide open and being forced to do it.

I was more of using you as a “bigger creator” example, sorry if I meant harm not my intention.


I don’t think that’s a good idea. Having the ability to set two prices means having the ability to introduce the same massive discrepancy between them that we’re trying to get away from here.

I instead think that USD pricing should be the source of truth, and that any Robux integration should be derivative of the USD pricing explicitly. In particular, my take is that you should be able to cover part or all of a USD cost with “DevEx value” - essentially taking the amount of Robux you have, converting it with the DevEx rate to a USD quantity, then applying that as a partial or total discount.

Something along those lines I feel would better avoid the situation where you end up with Robux users getting trickle-fed revenue, even while reasonable USD prices are set.


From the creator of Atmos, a plugin developer for multiple years -

This update is meant to be beneficial for plugin developers and professional game studios, not the average joe schmoe. While I do acknowledge that independent creators and even children will not be able to download some gamepasses, I believe that the marketplace will shift into 2 categories, free plugins for beginner developers which are basic in terms of features, and USD plugins for professional and expert developers jam packed with features.

Again, plugin developers have the option to distribute their plugins for free. It’s not like being in an unsupported country is the end of the world, it’s a new feature.


Powering Imagination … if you’re over 18, live in a country that supports DevEx, and are willing to provide a ton of information to a company with previous data breaches.


Can we make a usd option for gamepasses too? robux cuts on gamepass are absurb but these cuts are perfect. I’d like to see a usd option in the future for gamepasses so roblox devs can make a living off developing here

an incredibly muddy update :bangbang: :bangbang:


roblox could literally post an announcement tomorrow saying “we’re now going to limit you to one place per account and also charge a dollar every time you want to open studio” and the comments will still be filled with “Finally! I’ve been waiting ages for this update! This is just what the platform needed!”
roblox sees systems that work completely fine and feels the need to completely change them for the worse in every way.
plugin developers will now earn less money because like half their customer base will be completely unable to purchase their plugins, game developers now won’t be able to get plugins easily either because they’re below 18 or just don’t have enough money to spend over five entire dollars for not very well made plugins
roblox is a platform where amateur indie game developers get to easily make massively multiplayer games, and that’s what makes it great. but roblox refuses to acknowledge this and treats it instead as the next unreal engine or unity or something like their userbase is all professional indie developers or game studios.
when are we as roblox’s userbase and developers going to stop accepting these mostly negative changes that we didn’t ask for? when are we going to give roblox the wakeup call they need?
if this update gets applied to literally anything else (and let’s be real, knowing roblox they will) i might just quit entirely because at this point it isn’t worth dealing with some billion dollar corporation who only cares about their shareholders. why deal with roblox when you can get an engine made by people who actually bother to listen to what their community wants?
how is roblox not bankrupt yet?


A terrible update. Firstly, it deprives people under the age of 18 of the opportunity to buy and sell plug-ins important for development, and secondly, it is not available in all countries, which also removes the opportunity to use it. And thirdly, due to the different exchange rates in different countries, prices can vary greatly.

It would be better if the new Luau type solver had already been completed. Do the really important things :sob:


If this is done, as seen with the catastrophe here, Roblox would absolutely force it, leading many developers to have to return to the absurdity of selling VIP t-shirts.


I use it personally! Got it when it was free, it’s only really useful for design work in my experience.

I’m not friends with @Elttob or even mutuals on the fediverse anymore, but not all his videos are praising Roblox on it. He has been campaigning for years to bring a change to the way we get plugins. Even with the launch, he still has lots of negative criticism for Roblox, such as a pay what you want system not being implemented, under 18s being unable to sell etc.

He’s also not a ****head either, he is allowing people to get some of his newer plugins for free if you’re unavailable to use the Creator Store. From his actions, I think he just wants everyone to be able to live fairly comfortably from the plugin marketplace.

I honestly can’t be bothered typing my stance again and again, if you want to know my stance, read this:

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Here comes ROBLOX to yet again gatekeep a feature behind pushing for IDs.

I already have a stripe seller account regardless.

Was eagerly waiting for these updates so I could earn from what I make, but it amise well be in the bin now.


using a real world currency inthe plugins is bad however theres some users not verified Id.


Firstly, as a direct counterpoint to this, Elttob Relight is on none of the top pages of the Creator Store right now. Those pages are chosen algorithmically, and my plugins have to be exposed to that algorithm as anyone else’s does. So it’ll be a while before it updates.

Secondly, I’ve actually spent most of my time criticising Roblox over the plugin marketplace. Don’t forget I’m the very same person who started up all the stink about the old plugin marketplace, and even caused a mass exodus of plugin developers from Roblox to itch back in the day. I praise where there is good, and I don’t mince words when there’s bad.

So no, there’s no preferential treatment here, and I certainly don’t have any slanted view on Roblox one way or the other. I’m a businessperson as far as plugins go, and I’m dealing with Roblox as I would any business partner.

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Pretty bad update ngl. Im thinking Plugins models might cost USD

I don’t know how to feel about this update. I understand why this was done and how its beneficial to plugin developers, but I also understand the objections from certain creators and game developers about being forced to use fiat currency instead of the official platform currency (to which they’re still payed in unless they DevEx.) I guess we’ll just have to wait and see if these changes actually result in the improvements Roblox reports it will cause and that some wish for it to be.

One thing I would recommend maybe is the ability to sort by pricing. How are aspiring developers meant to find free plugins if the front page is seemingly filled to the brim with paid options.

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