Creator Store: Buy and Sell Plug-Ins with Real-World Currency

not a bad feature, imo it should also have a robux feature tagged alongside it with maybe a 10-15% increase over the usd amount to encourage more usd sells (like a discount). i have good hopes with how this turns out in the future


well its impossible for me to buy plugins now

I was saving up for a certain InCommand but now all that goes to waste


Yeah, but you not being a beneficiary of the change doesn’t mean there are no beneficiaries of the change. I sympathise with your anger, and I do think that it’s wrong that you can’t get paid things anymore. I want to help fix that, but we can’t start by making those sorts of assertions.


Does the use of Robux still work with those that have a price, or does it get rid of the option as a whole?

I completely understand your point. I didn’t quite understand what you meant above but I think I do now.

In fact, I think I can say the same thing for one of Elttob’s plugins: InCommand. I think it’s up for sale for 20$ now. And I think it’s worth it.

Like InCommand, some plugins are really worth their price, the thing I’m worried about is a lot of people’s ability to buy them is fading away due to the economical and different problematic scenarios I’ve mentioned above.

I think we are on 2 different problems: You want to get the full price of your plugin (understandably), while I want developers to be able to purchase plugins regardless of their financial status or at least have an easier time buying them.

I do not believe this platform is like UE or Unity where there are professional studios and companies working here, this platform is mostly made out of young developers who mostly do not have access to USD.

The important part here is that we need to be able to find a solution to both of these problems. A potential solution I think that may work is Regional Pricing, but I need more re-search and info on to create more solutions so I’ll leave it as that.

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From my knowledge, many Roblox developers aren’t making $40 an hour—especially developers under 18.

Roblox’s developer community is not up to industry standards, we should stop the comparison.


Your point here comes down to a philosophical question: what is the purpose of the Creator Store? Is it to satisfy as many consumers as possible, or to enable as many creators as possible?

The way you answer that question changes what the priority is, and you can’t maximise both. Not under capitalism, anyway.

(but I don’t think that debating capitalism is something that would cause an actionable change on Roblox’s behalf, given that Roblox do not currently hold any world superpower status.)

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Does that mean we should be closed off to even aspiring to help out our fellow creators so that they can’t ever achieve anything close to a living for themselves? Because the industry isn’t special; it’s merely paying what people need to live.

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The way a lot of the folks here are responding largely reaffirms my belief that not a lot of people here have studied the negative impact that the plugin store had on developers who made plugins. People spend hours, days, weeks and even months on some of the things you use so that you can save time on your issues.

If your concern is paying for stuff, please just use free plugins, or just use studio, you have all that you need to make a game even without plugins, they’re simply meant to save you time.

Ideally this will lead us to higher quality plugins going forward, and because plugin devs don’t need to contend with certain brutal taxes, in some cases it may result in prices going down on some things.

Respect the people who do their best to make your life easier.


Safe to say I think I’m on the consumer side of the things if there are no middle-grounds to this problem. (I think there might be some, still needs research though)

There isn’t really a middle ground here, unfortunately. These are polar opposite directions.

The way you maximally satisfy consumers is making everything free. The way you maximally enable creators is making everything paid. Without money handouts, there is no way to make a market serve both interests because it is by definition zero sum.

You could perhaps argue that Roblox should sponsor plugin developers, but that gets into icky territory around preferential treatment, doesn’t scale particularly well, and Roblox have indicated that’s not a direction they would want to pursue in the near future as far as I can tell.

I do not agree with forcing USD on all nonfree plugins, but I guess the only good part is that plugin developers are getting paid more.


also says the person selling a select instance plugin for 30 usd
this update has me divided ngl

This is where “pay what you want” models, like Itch, come in to play. Back when the plugin marketplace was a small program, this was probably the most wanted feature. I still want to do it so I can set my plugin to free but allow bigger studios to throw a couple hundred or thousands dollars at it on platform (this has happened off-platform already). I’ve had a few people pay $100 off-platform for Nexus VR Character Model, which is only sold as free on Roblox.

Trust me when I say there are professional studios on Roblox, and hobbyists who treat Roblox professionally - I am one of them. Even though the vast majority of Roblox developers aren’t, the entire platform should not be talked down like that. Once your game reaches the point where it should be ran professionally, the professionally priced tools will make sense.


Pay what you want would be awesome. I still advocate for it, and I know some people say that them creating plugins is contingent on it being implemented.


I suppose there is some overlap with being over 18 and complaining about it “not being Robux”.

As you said, purchases with real-world currency can be expensive in a place like Brazil or Russia. So maybe you would prefer to pay with Robux since it can be aquired without spending real money.

Now, I don’t know why you’re claiming this only works in a few North American countries because that simply isn’t true. Check this list to see where this is supported: Cross-border payouts | Stripe Documentation

I also don’t know why you’re saying this doesn’t contribute to the betterment of the platform and its developers. At least for developers who are eligible, this will allow them sell for a more favorable cut. Roblox would actually make less money from this change. Those poor investors.

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That I don’t exactly agree with 100%. There should still be the option for plugin devs to offer plugins at the lower end, especially with Robux if need be.

@Elttob I also think pay what you want could be a welcome addition too.

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I do not believe we should go for the maximizations but rather satisfy both sides equally.
I want to compare this problem to other platforms with different assets, such as games on Steam having regional pricing. And think this might work as a potential middle-ground. (of course, it has certain problems though, it’s for games, not plugins)

I don’t think this problem should stay like something that prioritizes one side and leaves out the other, both sides depend on each other.

You do realise that if I were financially motivated, my best move would not have been to enable other people to make more money, right?

The old plugin marketplace was fundamentally unfair in a way that basically guaranteed consolidation at the top end. I could have sat pretty and not done anything.

Let’s please keep this conversation productive and not start making this into a personality contest.


That would be a good change. I’m all for it too. does it pretty well.