Creator Store: Buy and Sell Plug-Ins with Real-World Currency

I will say this: props to the designers and frontend team behind this update. Holy crap, if only we got this level of professional design on the Roblox homepage! :heavy_heart_exclamation: I personally don’t buy anything online, and so I won’t be buying any plugins, especially for Roblox of all places… but I don’t feel any negativity towards this update either because I haven’t used any non-open sourced plugins for months. Overall, congrats to the team for being able to get this out on time and I look forward to what y’all do in the future. :wave:


Regional pricing is a good idea. PirateSoftware mentioned how regional pricing had a huge impact on their Steam sales a while ago, all while expanding access to their creation to a whole region of the world. It sounded like an easy win win for everyone, so I wholeheartedly support the idea and would love to see it implemented.


So now my hard work in the light baking plugin I made is going to waste? This is genuinely not okay. I hope that the option to sell assets with robux is added back asap. I support selling with real life currencies, but not if you’re going to remove the robux route. Thanks for basically wasting my time and work :smiling_face_with_tear:


Are we seeing different plugins? I don’t mean to be mean to you (or any creators), but asking this much for most of these plugins is entirely unreasonable. As I said before, the door for a backmarket of pirated plugins is wide open and now the creators have to solve this issue. Very rarely should plugins be based on utility. I use AutoScale Plus every time I use Studio at all and I’d say it’s maybe just worth $5. You have to remember that money has value unlike Robux - $5 for TC with hats is not reasonable (I could namedrop all I want here but I’m not going to). The old system was fine, it should have been an option, not the lazy route of “everybody gets it, good luck”.

A point I’m seeing raised here a lot is the creates are going to get WAY less sales now, which is true. I used to buy plugins, and now I’m not able to at all. I’d say there’s going to be a roughly 70% drop in all plugin sales now, which will be way less than robux plugins ever made, which is backing people into obscenely high prices (just so they can profit off what is usually no more than a few hours of labor :wink:). This is not fair to everybody - only a select group of developers who have already made thousands off a game. This is not to discredit the really useful plugins like Moon Animator or DataStore Editor. People’s usage will strongly vary so creators should in no way be the judge of how useful they think it will be, therefore pricing it way higher.

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My suggestion might be to bundle it with a suite of other tools to make up for that. That way not all that time went to waste and you could still potentially benefit from it.

Pay what you want and Regional Pricing while allowing more developers to be sellers (praying roblox relaxes the requirements :pray: ) would be great changes IMO. Would increase the number of sellers while also increasing the amount of customers. Seems like a win-win scenario to me.

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I agree with this too and you brought up the point of low-cost plugins. I’m not really sure why they removed the option to sell for Robux. I think as a creator, they should have the ability to sell it how they want, especially if a dev doesn’t want to link their bank account to their Roblox account.

just feels weird to me that a plugin i could recreate in a few days and put out for free on the marketplace is being sold for 30usd

like i said, not trying to hate, but i think us developers need to take into account that we dont just willingly have a couple hundred dollars lying around to buy 5 plugins; at least from my pov of when i was a starting out developer

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Running Robux and USD alongside each other would require special considerations as to how the two universes interact as mentioned above, so I think it’s understandable that they shipped as two separate systems in the initial launch.


There are a lot of cases on many platforms where given the option, people will always move to the cheaper option. For example: Turkey on Steam had special pricing on games that allowed people in the USA and many other countries to get games for FAR cheaper. They had to remove that to stop people lol.

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Nothing stops you from doing it yourself if you wish to.

Really hope regional pricing becomes a thing not only for plugins but also for Premium as well. It’s very expensive for us here (:smiling_face_with_tear:) and I’d love to see it implemented.


Many of Elttob’s plugins are worth the price. Especially Atmos and InCommand.
If you want, you can re-create them though. I tried.

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How much do you value your time? A plugin that you use every single time you use Studio sounds like it has a massive impact on your workflow. It should cost more than $5. I would absolutely price plugins based on how much time they cumulatively save for my target audiences workflow.

I also have no idea where you’re pulling those numbers from at the end.


thats not the point i was trying to make (even though i could), i just think plugin prices could be a lot lower and from what im seeing, everything is just super inflated right now

i really dont think there is one plugin on this entire platform that i would spend over 5-10 usd for

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Actually, yes, because I didn’t look at the store yet, and I use <5 plugins. I’ll defer to a previous post about what I use:

I think the answer is simple: don’t see the value in it? Don’t buy it. You shouldn’t be handing me $50 for my unit testing plugin if you aren’t adopting the workflow. Once more sales start coming through of the plugins that are actually worth it, those will rise to the top and displace the toys that no one can justify.


I looked at the source code of AutoScale. The amount of work it does I would actually consider around 5. (Or 5-10) It’s a pretty good plugin though. AutoScale Nightly definitely should be more than 10.

If I didn’t have it, it’s as simple as cloning the instances. I’m not devaluing the plugin for probably saving me hours of pain at this point, but as I said:

Then don’t spend over 5-10 USD on a plugin. Plenty of free options exist, and as far as plugins go, Roblox is significantly cheaper than a lot of other game dev plugin stores. Often times of varying different prices for the same thing.


Pretty sure TC with hats is open sourced on github. That is the case for a lot of good plugins, although some are paid, there tends to be free alternatives to the Roblox marketplace for less complicated systems.