Creator Store Seller Onboarding Now Open!

This was addressed earlier in this topic actually, I posed the same question too, and it was answered.

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I understand the motive behind this, but I feel that it substantially increases the barrier of entry to either plugin developers or aspiring developers. Obviously an accomplished developer does not need to worry much about buying any sort of plugin, but when roblox is known for advertising studio to a younger audience & encouraging kids to code I feel that the platform fundamentally needs to keep the younger audience in mind, even in regards to roblox studio. I’m not opposed to USD plugins but forcing it seems like a little much, imho. Additionally this completely bars any underage users from developing any plugins to sell for money, which is probably very frustrating for a lot of people!

I will also mention that I find it significantly easier to buy a plugin with robux that is still in my account versus devexing the robux and then entering debit card information to make a purchase

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Well, I might look forward to this whenever it stops being region locked.
Felt the same disappointment I got when Discord Store became a thing, regionally locked.
Besides that, it is a nice update for people who do not have robux and still wish to get a paid plugin made by another developer, and for people saying it should not be forced, I strongly disagree as it could be abused in a malicious way.

So this is basically the Asset Privacy Purge Part 2, for paid plugins, except it’s completely avoidable and/or reversible if they’re made free or meet the outrageous requirements for USD sales. Not saying this isn’t the right thing to do for those plugins but something has to be done to give younger creators a chance, both from the seller and customer perspective.


I can bet a buck or two that plugin purchases will drop following the removal of the Robux option.

Makes zero sense to continue this charade knowing full well the economy still relies on Robux purchases.


I’m not against the idea of it entirely, but please don’t force it upon literally everyone and remove the option to pay with Robux. This is going to be terrible for the ecosystem as most young devs don’t even have the option to buy things with real money. Terrible move, and I really hope you keep the option to pay with Robux


Bad update, If your whole goal is to eliminate roblox, why make it in the first place


Having to link my PayPal acc just to buy plugins with USD is a pretty sobbin idea ever cuz now that Robux options do not exist, small devs that didnt EVEN have a credit/debit card will be stuck dreamin to hav plugins that they demand for (they are all required to be 18+ to devex :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:)

and if i have to pay with USD, i need a way to farm robux first which mostly is from creating a game, with 30k robux required to devex it’s still VERY far for some people to get those fat amount of cash converted into a USD and getting 30k from developing games or even from UGC is still a VERY pain process even if advertised to anywhere for most devs that worked so hard.

and because paid plugins are seen pushed to the site more than free plugins, i still do not support this being forced with USD, its a total killer of paid plugins and very insulting.


I feel like this update kind of loses the plot.
Roblox’s development tools are marketed as something anyone can get into. By paywalling plugins with USD, it’s gating away younger devs who would more likely need the aids of plugins.

“If kids can get USD for Robux, why is this any different”
A. It’s far easier to explain to a parent “I want to buy currency so I can do things in a game” vs. “I want to buy a plugin with real American money so I can make a game in a free engine”
B. As someone else mentioned, there have been ways to get Robux USD-less through this entire sites span (tix conversion, clothing groups, donate games, etc)

It’s just really nonsensical in general I feel


 as a 14 year old aspiring dev
 this is not very helpful

  • The people who bought plugins will lose some of them if the plugin developer does not live in a supported country.

  • The creator store will lose thousands of plugins and assets.

  • Thousands of developers will have no incentive to keep maintaining their plugins or to make more plugins.


Will copyrighted code be monetized? There are many assets out there that use code that has copyright restrictions. Since assets (particularly plug-ins) contain copyrighted code that is part of the product, would the copyright’s restrictions be considered?

I don’t mind this change, as long as I can still have all my plugins be free.
But, how would that impact newer, younger creators that may not have access to real world currency or rather use the robux they made from experiences, to purchase new tools to help them out in future development?

I don’t have an issue with the currency they’re doing it with. Regardless of currency, Inflation exists and this hurts many young developers world-wide. USD can not be easily achievable for those people, it may not sound like a big problem for you, but it is.

Easy counterargument: I do not wish to give off my personal information like it’s candy at Halloween. Sure, some companies might have it, (btw I do not purchase Robux or anything from Roblox, my main income comes from development and purchases of my products, and I have never used VC) but I simply do not give any willingly, if I don’t want to.

Not at all. Roblox has been mainly advertising itself as a platform where everyone can join, play, and create. At one point they even advertised Dev-Ex on the creator page.
I also don’t see the relation between Robux and being able to create whatever you want in this case.

If plugins are meant to make development easier, then they are not a requirement.
Requirements can be costly, but plugins are tools, they should be affordable. They generally do not contain extremely complicated systems, they are not games. They are simple tools to make your life easier when developing, for example: Re-class.

It’s a very amazing plugin, but its functions are rather simple: Select an Instance to convert, then select the instance that you want to convert to, and hit a button. Done.
Sure, plugin developers should know about their plugins’ worth, but putting high prices on a platform with a ton of young developers, and developers who cannot easily access money worth 15 Dollars due to Inflation and other real-world problems is not a good idea.

Cheaper? Maybe. It would also be cheaper to remove the taxes from Plugins and create a more detailed documentation page on how plugin developers should price their plugins with a high base price like 100-200 Robux, which would be a much better way to do things in my opinion.


Please don’t remove the ability to pay with robux, it’s gonna end badly for the Creator Marketplace, this also hurts young developers (such as myself) from being able to buy or sell plugins, i’ll be MASSIVELY dreading April 8th.

Further more, i think it’s unfair to kill off a ton of plugins just because there still priced in robux, as some plugin owners either don’t know about this change or have stopped developing in roblox.

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I feel like Roblox dosn’t want to support young developers anymore.


This is terrible. Some of us creators can’t just spend our parents money on stuff.


Say what you want, it may be unfortunate that some developers can no longer use Robux to purchase plugins, but this is a step in the right direction by making transactions direct, help keep in line with the industry and to respect developers who pour hours into maintaining these plugins.

A pay-what-you-want system would be great to have but otherwise I can’t imagine spending so much of my time working on a plugin only for it to be free or cost less than a chocolate bar. Plugins can be important components of development, saving many hours of development time that someone has already ran the mile to do. This is a needed culture shift in Roblox, from both the platform and plugin users, to respect plugin developers by paying an appropriate amount. Plugins can (and should) fetch large prices - you can find plugins worth hundreds of dollars on the Unity Store for example.

Even then, there’s too much doomposting in this thread acting like this is the end of the world for novice developers - it’s not. There’s nothing stopping a plugin developer from making a plugin open source but you have to assemble it yourself to use it and get updates while developers paying for the plugin get express support and features.

Plugin developers don’t deserve to be earning pennies for enormous time investments on helping improve the developer experience. USD pricing is not going to be for everyone and that is ok, but Robux or forced free plugins is not healthy for developer culture on Roblox.


I am extremely disappointed and against this change. I understand that Roblox is maturing as a platform and that’s great. USD as a payment method is honestly an amazing change and will benefit a lot of people. However, removing Robux as a payment method is a horrible decision that will hurt many of those who rely on it. Why is it not possible to give us a choice? We should be able to sell our products for what we want to sell it for, be it Robux, USD, or both. I understand the benefits of USD, however Robux also has its benefits. Why should we reap the benefits of only one and not Both? Yes, its true that Robux has much higher tax than USD, but if we as the developer agree and acknowledge this why are we not allowed to choose to use Robux as the payment method? All of this also applies to SubscriptionService.

What investigating is there to do? Robux as a payment method is used almost everywhere on the platform. It’s not something obscure that you need to go looking for under every rock. If you truly wanted to keep the Creator Store accessible to as many creators as possible you would offer both Robux AND USD. Removing Robux is making it less accessible for many creators. Please show us you care, don’t tell us.

If USD was an additional payment method and not a replacement for Robux this would have been an amazing change. However, as it is right now this is a massive downgrade than an upgrade. The Creator Store accessibility is being blocked by a massive wall which you Roblox put up yourself by removing Robux as a payment method.

With the amount of negative feedback and lack of change, it honestly seems like Roblox just does not care. Acknowledging negative feedback is not the same as addressing it. Please Roblox show us you care and reconsider this change by allow us to have a choice between Robux, USD, or both.