Creator Store Seller Onboarding Now Open!

It looks like I (and some developers) will no longer be able to sell plugins due to age restrictions and changes for purchase method to USD instead of Robux when this update is released.

Creator Store can real-world currency is a good idea.
No longer waiting DevEx for get real money.
I quite happy finally getting more incomes.


Even I have ID or Passport for meet seller requirement, I still no longer to sell my create anymore since I’m 13~17. That is terrible requirement. I got parent agreement but I still can’t sell it! What is a ridiculous things that they did.

Also, no longer using Robux is a another worst idea too. For those don’t have credit card, debit card or prepaid card, they can’t buy plugins anymore.

Some people may have E-Wallet (Allipay, Touch 'n Go, PayPal, etc…), But I’m not sure is roblox accept using Alipay+ (For Alipay HK, Touch 'n Go, Boost, etc…) or PayPal for the payment.

Even don’t those payment problem, we still looking for about exchange rate and charge problem. Since it may effect those buyer desire of plugin.

I feel so rage about this change since my most favourite plugin - BlockLua is no longer update and sell anymore (Due to creator doesn’t reach age 18). That’s mean if BlockLua have problem in future, for those bought it can’t have a indemnification.

Roblox should view about problem when change to real-world currency. It may effect a lot things for creator.


In my opinion, they should allow the users aged 13-18 to sell plugins with parental supervision, like how some other platforms allow the users in this age group to monetize with parental supervision.

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You should check the cross border payments list, its different and has less countries.

This is an unfortunate change for all the younger developers that use roblox as a place to begin exploring development. Now they won’t be able to make any income from the creator store until they turn 18, they won’t be able to buy assets using robux from their ugc/experience/etc income or a premium membership, and they won’t be able to fund their own roblox play by selling their creations to other roblox developers.

As an adult that isn’t personally impact, I feel like getting rid of any way for those under 18 to participate in the developer-focused side of the roblox economy is a big step backwards.


I am not happy with this decision.

I saw that some people suggested having the option to buy plugins for usd or for robux. I think this is a better solution. For example, if I see a certain plugin I want to buy, I will have to pay usd for it and I only have robux. Right now, I make robux buying and selling ugc limiteds. I want to be able to use that robux to buy the plugins I want.

Many younger developers don’t have credit or debit cards to make purchases in usd. It is so much easier to develop on roblox with plugins than without. If you go to most beginner and helpful roblox studio guides, they recommend countless plugins that could increase your time and automate your workflow. Now, these young devs will be forced to go without plugins until they can either convince their parents to give them money for roblox plugins or find a way to make a game that can somehow give them a minimum of 30k robux in order to devex and get usd to buy these plugins.

While yes, paying in usd may give devs more money, it is almost stoping younger people from having access to create easily in roblox studio. There needs to be a balance between giving devs more money and also allowing others who primarily pay using robux to continue to buy what they want.

There should be 2 options.

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Funny thing is they already do this for the new ads manager. Where 1 ad credit = 285 Robux which is $1 in USD. You can easily find this by going off of DevEx rates: (1 * 100000) / 350 = 285.71 Robux. So if a plugin costs $5 it would be (5 * 285) = 1,425 Robux. They have already done this for ad manager so I don’t see why they can’t do the same for this too. There is no way they aren’t aware of this either. Here is the link to ad manager article.


Was talking to the creator in private and they plan to use their parents information iirc. Not sure whether it’s actually allowed though, there’s not really clarification on that.

I should probably check out BlockLua before it’s too late!

I should probably be more updates with stuff, that’s very interesting hearing about ad credits.


I have a plugin that contains European road signs from my country. It is bought by local developers with their earned robux. I have over 100 sales in one year. Since I follow my customers I know that nobody will buy the plugin for USD in Europe and if they do it will probably be rare.

Either I will quit or I will have to bypass this mechanics which probably won’t be that profitable.

I am disappointed that I will no longer be motivated to do regular updates for plugin customers.


Another time when I was looking forward to something you guys were making, only to be totally disappointed. USD pricing is a great feature, but you shouldn’t force it upon us. It’d be a lot better if you could still let us sell things for Robux.
This not only makes a barrier for buying plugins, but the <18 users (who Roblox was literally designed for) who want to explore development (again, what Roblox was designed for), can’t profit off of it. Roblox is going against it’s core beliefs, and I’m not even surprised anymore.


I find it so odd that they obviously have these systems in place but refuse to include it in updates. (Even if there’s some type of engine problem that prevents them from using that specific method they still could just make a new system for it using a similar method they did before)


Why not make sure that everyone everywhere is paid properly?

Because the amount of plugins that are actually useful and worth paying for are, in my opinion, quite small - and the idea of a minimum 5 USD price (so 500 Robux) would make simple yet quite useful plugins hard to monetize.

At the end of the day, the market for plugins is either in the form of independent devs that already try to pinch every penny and proper studios, the latter of which might very well have developers using a few plugins worth monetizing at said price point, but definitely would rather, in my opinion, spend ‘plugin-funds’ towards developing proprietary ones for their own games and systems.

PS: I feel obliged to mention the obvious bias towards keeping it a consumer-friendly market rather than a seller-friendly one, but I can also attest to the fact that I was never inclined to transition to other engines such as Unity because of the rather big asking price when it came down to assets and plugins which weren’t that great to begin with… I fear that pretty much forcing the market to go in a similar direction, alongside the horrible quality of most assets that tend to be published on the toolbox, will lead to a similar reaction from most up-and-coming developers.


That’s identity fraud and once found out, can cause not only account termination but legal charges.

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After this update goes through, Any future plugins i plan to be paid, will be purchase-able through gamepasses, and for any models i want to price, i’ll be storing them into a plugin to be purchased through gamepasses as well.


Are you going to use a dedicated experience for your sales ?
Meaning it’s not a game… but your own “market server”.

Similar to’s place.

At least it will be an option to buy in Roblox.

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if Roblox actually removes Robux off the platform, hopefully they do what Amazon does and still make gift cards and make some “Roblox wallet” or something, that way my 12,169 Microsoft Rewards points don’t go to the dumpster.
edit: anyways time to buy some plugins before this update comes out


Yeah, it’ll be like that. Char limit



Thanks for the great news!

One question, when the price select option will be available for the models/assets as well? Because you mentioned only - coming later… In few days, weeks, mounth?

Looking forward to your reply

Kind regards

Microsoft Rewards is a joke to you.

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so like devex without the minimum robux limit.

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