Report menu has vulnerability that allows accounts to be banned instantly

Years ago when reporting started taking screenshots alongside reports, I literally said this exact issue was going to be a thing. Why is everyone acting like this is something new?

The only thing I’m surprised about is that it took this long for people to actually abuse this on such a large scale. Months at most I would have expected, but not literally years.


i am curious why exploiters dont use this to terminate bad people.


Even if some did, others would use it against people they dont like.


have u heard the tragic story of darth plagueis the wise?


is that starwars? if so ive never heard :grimacing:


Still occurring based on this post: Account Terminated, for no reason?

Stay safe out there y’all


Update: Another one of my friends got termed using the method. Not sure why anyone would target him at all.


what part of



the bigger problem of this is that how easy it is to do to anyone on the platform, due to roblox auto-creating a starter game on account creation


This seems to be spreading more as Roblox has problems to stop it, more people are getting banned.


Maybe instead of the client passing the picture that they took to be uploaded to the server, the client just passes their Camera’s CFrame to the server and the server takes a picture from that CFrame, of what it sees? Because of how replication works the server wouldn’t see the inappropriate things that the client inserted? But i’m sure that this could have more cons than pros as games with bad intentions could simulate this stuff purely through local scripts and get away with it because it’d be undetectable.

Still, the best way to probably patch this is to have somebody manually review the game for a few minutes to determine if theres anything inappropriate in it.


A good feature that may have to get toned down because of bad actors abusing it, such a bumer.


Funny, just a few days ago I posted how Roblox treats every script as valid and makes no attempt to differentiate a maliciously injected script from an actual game one. So bad that poorly made exploit scripts are treated the same as localscripts and flood error analytics. And now here we are where it’s being abused in real time. What happened to “don’t trust the client”? Seems Roblox engineers just assume malicious users don’t exist when they add ‘features’ like this. All it takes is just stopping to think for a minute “hmmm but how might this be used for trolling?”

Roblox needs to develop method of monitoring the lua environment and analyzing what should and shouldn’t belong based on pattern recognition and server replication. It’s far too easy to just inject scripts into the game. While this type of reporting feature might be nice in theory, it’s effectively useless when it’s so easy to exploit and manipulate the game once you’re in.


Problem with that suggestion is that UI would not be moderated.

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yeah i think the best decision is just to have a mod join and make a decision, don’t trust the client is programming 101 and this company managed to fail that :unamused:


I would expect a multi-billion dollar company to find a solution to such scenarios. When there’s no fault on the creator’s end, and random individuals join their game to engage in inappropriate behavior and use cheats to get any account terminated within seconds, I believe you need to reconsider the entire system.

Because recently, I’ve also been affected by this situation, and my account has been terminated as well. Allowing someone’s account to be deleted so quickly and permitting such a moderation loophole is ridiculous. I hope you address this issue and refrain from terminating accounts due to something even the creators are unaware of.


The absolute radio silence regarding such a serious issue is disheartening.
Developers can be terminated, losing their account and all of the time and effort invested in it, because of one moderation loophole. Is that not embarrassing? Seriously hope the people affected by this have their accounts reinstated quickly.

For something like this I’d have expected a fast response. Being left in the dark is frustrating, to say the least.


for sure, even something as small as “This issue is being investigated” would be good enough for most of us, but two whole posts and a variety of side posts with similar issues, and yet still NO response is just disheartening.


If you haven’t tried already, try appealing your ban. Roblox seems to be handing out unbans, as the people who were banned by this yesterday had their appeals accepted.
It seems they can tell the report is nonsensical and remove the account restrictions, but still don’t start an investigation on why this is even happening???
The complete silence with this exploit increasingly growing more and popular is just… insulting in a way?


It’s unfortunately likely due to the fact that it’s the weekend: a lot of Roblox employees aren’t at work