Criticize This Model

Hello, I made this lowpoly style building a while ago, and I’d like some constructive feedback please. (Be brutally honest)

If you’d like a better look, check out the place.Papa Taco (OUTDATED BUILD) - Roblox


Ehh don’t use the “neon” material to represent the name of your building. You probably used smooth material on the whole building, so I would make this sign in a smooth material too. Also those bricks under the “Papa Taco” sign could go a bit lower, it’s just too close to it.
Everything else looks good enough for a low poly building.
One more thing I would change is the roof. It probably contains the one part, which doesn’t make a building much interesting, maybe you can make that sign in a billboard sign and place it on the roof corner? That would look much better and on that window you can add some plants maybe?
It’s your choice really, but the building as I said looks good already.


Thank you for being honest, and stating your own opinion. I will look forward to adding your ideas to the model, and again thanks for being honest.


Only took a second, but I’d recommenced something like this for the sides of the walls. For the fence yours is really broken down and all look too duplicated. Changing the colours on some of the bricks + boards to slightly different shades also adds a really nice effect.


It’s very hard to read the name using neon. I would suggest plastic or something.

I do agree, that it looks too duplicated.

I’ll change the material, thanks for the feedback.

It looks pretty incomplete
You see there doesn’t seem a lot of things that define it as a taco shop

the neon sign board is weird

I would suggest a more depth build with more detail, like drive thru, chimneys and better structure foundation.

It is still a good attempt though :slight_smile:

I think adding a drive through would be possible.


Looking at what you’ve done so far, I can suggest the following:

  • For your white fencing, it looks far too repeated, insofar that there is little difference to your selected fence models or really anything that can suggest the fence has been refined. It would be prudent to misalign some of the fence pieces, rotate them slightly, etc. to give it a more individualistic look. Right now, it is plain, and the distinct pieces you have used overlap, which is unrealistic.
  • The window (which I am assuming is a window – essentially, the orange neon bit with bars) does not look like a window at all. Conversely, it looks more like a furnace. Neon has been used far too much IMO and not to a good degree. Neon is good for lights, and not good for windows. I don’t think it’s ever looked nice when anybody has used it for windows. Either fit it with a dim, low brick interior (if you aren’t planning to have an interior) in which you use lighting to make it seem more detailed than it actually is, or just remove the neon effect altogether. Glass is much more approachable.
  • The bricks on the windowsill are unrealistic. I’ve never seen a windowsill that has bricks in that style much less jutting out as they do.

I hope this was of some help.

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I don’t know if you’re only going to display only the front of the building in your game but if not, I would recommend filling up the outer walls of the building because right now it looks really empty.

I also noticed that you used some sort of half-moon model to make the sides of the window, it looks really amateurish and lack-luster so maybe fixing that would be a good thing to do.


-adding some leaves that grow onto the wall

  • additional little windows
    -garbage bin

Thanks for having constructive feedback, I do agree the window does look like a furnace.

I actually think adding a garbage bin, or vines growing on the walls will give it a realistic feature. Thanks for the feedback.

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That would depend on if this taco shack, which has a modern atmosphere and context, would allow vines to grow up the walls. I don’t believe that vines would be able to exist in what I’m assuming is a densely populated city area anyway.

Always consider context while doing a build – the whereabouts of the place, what would go on near it. By doing that, you can summarise to yourself how to build a specific object, if that makes sense.

I agree focusing on the atmosphere and the area the model will be in is important.

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Are you trying to make a futuristic style or more retro?

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Im going for a retro-ish style.

OK, well right now it doesn’t look too much like a food stand. The advices above are pretty good. With all that, you could maybe add tables or some kinda objects in front of the stand. Also, the sign isn’t really visible. One idea might be to make a 3d mesh in another software. It could be like a 3d sign on the roof.

You should look at some retro images to get inspiration.

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Thanks for the feedback, I do feel like a 3D mesh would work.

In my opinion, the colors are too harsh, and do go along with each other too well, especially with the neon. I would also go with what trustmeimrussian said, and tidy up the fence a bit. Perhaps add a wedge to the red portion, so it add a more interesting shape to the building.
