Crosswood games are back? wt*?

seems like it targets literally any account near you

Yea, that’s concerning.

But I’m guessing they used a shared email to add to their Roblox accounts. When this happens, if one user who’s using the same email gets moderated, ALL the accounts with the same email will get terminated as well.

yeah, that is literally just what i said
and since you can also get ip banned, it would probably affect others around the same area too

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The fact Roblox still hasn’t found a way to fix it for years is definitely concerning

If you are wondering kreekcraft mentioned you in their video regarding your post regarding crosswoods


Is this still the Chat Service security oversight where you (as the developer) can send any message you want as the player?

These Crosswoods games, never stop coming!

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Nope, this was patched.

They use more complicated methods and checks to get it working.

No idea how they do it, but they somehow just do it.

looks like they have the player write something before clicking on a button. maybe they rearrange the string the player wrote to say something bannable? no idea.

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From what I’m guessing, Roblox logs keywords you type into any textbox (and that’s why they deprecate chatservice to start logging everything that players write for moderation purposes)

Then game edits textbox you wrote into messed up stuff next to it (or when you submit it, server edits it), submits it to server lots of times, input goes through filtering (either broadcast or to everyone in the server such as filtering chat for individual player, which it can log into moderation as if u were talking to the player), then report bot does the rest, by spam reporting

simplified stuff

  • game tells you to write something like “I will think”

you type that

  • game either tells you to press enter, or automatically submits that input
  • then game adds next to “I will think” to “I will think of murder” or just modifying whole thing on input
  • game sends modified input to the server
  • Server then filters this input through chat services

using Broadcast or Every player to log filtered input

  • Report bot then spam reports

and may see what you typed since text chat got updated to show chat history

  • Then after that, report system checks your input from textbox, if it finds “I will” in keywords from filtered input, that’s where automatic ban occurs.
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That is a pretty flawed system. They need to detect and make sure games can’t interfere with the strings of player inputs.

Hi there! I got account deletion yesterday because of CrossWoods, i just used that template you’ve said! I hope it works and they check that i was actually innocent! I will keep you guys updated.

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Yeah, Crosswoods are back again and are being disguised as ‘free UGC’ games.

Wish you the best with the account deletion. I’m sure they’ll unban you.

I hope so, i sent real screenshots of what happened, for me it was not a free UGC game tho. Some guy posted on hazem’s server and hosted a “community event”, and sent them that user got banned for terminating people, also i sent screenshots of the ban and the game.

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Did you screenshot the creator’s username by chance?

Yeah, it was GokuSuperSayian689, and game was named “Marcus Insanity”. Someone reported this same game and user at devforum.

Please guys report that user and game to take it down. (I can’t report because i’m termed).

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Update on that, Roblox’s new ChatService version has unsecured or exploitable code letting you send a message for you, no verification, no human input, just a script.
You can get banned automatically with no report bots now as this forced chat message is actually being picked up automod.
Now, Roblox is aware of it as it’s spreading like wildfire.

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Update, i got unbanned after contacting support. And they took down the malicious game, i got banned in the same malicious game that RoBuilder got banned. (They still didn’t ban the account and i think he made a new copy of the malicious game, so please be aware).

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Yes. And be very careful because some people with bad intentions are making community events for robux, but they just link you to games with the exploitable code that sends messages for you. Me and My friends got terminated, we all contacted roblox support, and in less than a day we all got unbanned. So yeah, roblox is really aware of the case since we all got unbanned.

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Posted about this on a different thread in this section

Friend still hasn’t gotten his account reinstated, and the reason is for Child Endangerment.

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