Moderation Notifications & Appeals in Studio

These false positives & moderation errors are a nuisance - and encourages (forcefully) not to post/comment on this platform - or keep it to a minimum.

I got a warning for a post that even YOU gave a like… so it tells me that somewhere there’s whiners (or liberals) that moan just about anything.
If someone complains about another post - and after review nothing is found - that person should get a strike themselves.

On the Studio ban - there is literally no point to it.
How would you chat in Studio & bully or use bad language anyway ?
I thought the chat feature was taken away in Studio (or on it’s way out) ?
If the offense wasn’t done in Studio - why should the penalty affect it ?

I don’t think the penalty should be applied in creativity at all… and as said…

This should be the correct approach :+1:

EDIT: Thinking about it - maybe Roblox should use Musk’s GROK as a moderator… who understands humour & sarcasm :rofl:


This is probably the best reason to have an ALT acc to sign in (as a backup Dev) and continue developing in such occasions… and can still edit any place (unless that is against TOS too).

For genuine infractions the bans are warranted, but from personal experience, the warnings are flimsy, and one’s creativity shouldn’t be interfered with.

My 1st warning was for a decal (image) that portrayed a bar from a western theme.
I learnt quite fast how bad moderation was… yet allows ingame bottles doing the same bar setup.


Cool release but what’s the worst that can happen if creators can still work on their experience for the duration of the ban? Or simply dealing with the warning while having the studio open? Maybe restrict asset uploads if that’s the issue? Overall platform progress shouldn’t be halted unless it’s a permanent ban imo.

With that said, good progress. Thank you for moving in a better overall direction. I seem to have fewer unnecessary asset upload bans/warnings these days.


Though this sounds like a good idea, I’d be concerned that users might just use this tool to essentially test the system to work out how to create bypassed assets without facing repercussions.


Does this also go for assets which are no longer allowed to be distributed on the marketplace?


Our safety team wanted to pass this message along:

The turnaround time for appeals is actually minutes. We strongly recommend using the appeals portal linked in the Notification. Moderation errors will be corrected before you can make a cup of coffee


In the context of Studio, it’s not about stopping work as much as there’s tons of infrastructure with “banned player/account == very bad” logic that Studio hits.


I just want to confirm that this is only on launch and we can’t get banned while in studio for what we DO in studio.


Actually it’s always done this. The difference is now Studio actually tells you why.

This part is beyond the control of Studio since Team Create utilizes standard Roblox servers which have a zero tolerance for accounts with strikes. We don’t get any different error code from the server for creator vs player, currently.


Imma be honest, if it was supposed to always do this, it did not work the entire time. It only disallowed me from uploading new assets such as audio or images, but it did not directly stop me from continuing developing on my projects.


The moderation check simply pings for account status and shows the new UI. It runs at start up (so we can tell you why you can’t login) and then we also check during the autosave tick while you’re in the Editor. Before this, things would just kind of silently fail depending on what you’re doing.

But we aren’t doing anything new with actual moderation here. That’s all driven by the backend.


I was referring to the server kick in that reply.

Yeah you probably could keep working in a non-TC session but autosave or any other number of server/endpoints were likely silently erroring out. If you are working in a local file, you could maybe have gotten a little farther but in the current Studio architecture we don’t have a clean way of isolating backend calls. The Next Gen stuff puts us in a better spot to do this in the future.


I am aware, and that’s is what I am replying about; I have continued work on my projects in a TC environment along with other developers while I was banned with no issues apart from the uploading. All of the scripts have saved and there were no silent errors, and I have not once been directly kicked from the TC servers.


What tab is that showing up in? Are you doing anything wacky with flags or mods?


Hmmm maybe it depends on the class of ban/warn. Our team didn’t change anything with the backend or moderation system. All of my own testing was an immediate server kick to a blank Start Page and cryptic error messages on launch.


Is there plans to improve AI moderation? My asset called EasyDataStores keeps getting taken down because of the word datastores and I can appeal it once but using the same appeal message or wording it diffrently causes it the AI to not approve the appeal and it’s really annoying


With respect, the safety team does not use these processes themselves to the extent that we do. Perhaps they will read this back.

I have heard multiple anecdotes from notable developers getting caught up with appeals that do not pass in the recent past. This is for both cases that are simple harmless honest mistakes wherein the punishment is disproportionate for the harm it causes, and cases where there was a bad moderation decision but the appeal was stubbornly rejected. UGC creators I know of seem especially subject to this frustration often. If I am hearing these anecdotes in my small closed circle of power users, I expect them to be happening one hundredfold for developers without support circles.

The bottom line is that the standard for moderation is to deal out wildly disruptive consequences, and to a regular developer who is just trying to work, are often just for innocuous things, or accidents. These things don’t warrant losing an entire workday+ waiting on someone with little sympathy to argue with you about your fate. The foundation of how moderation effects are applied is simply wrong.


Wait, how did you get that popup as a test popup?


Is this going to apply to the Roblox app as well? Because if someone gets banned, they currently see a message that reads something like “Unable to connect to the server” which usually coincides with an internet connection problem. Happened to me several times, and I had thought I was having issues with the Internet.

Also, if someone gets banned while in Studio Team Create, a good improvement would be to display in the output that an account received moderation action, so others know not to add them again. If someone’s account gets moderated for things like inappropriate behavior, then they clearly can’t be trusted to be in the Team Create session in the first place.


I wanna give credit were credit is due by saying this is a nice feature.
last time I got moderated the only thing suspicious was that my avatar didnt load and “rejected request” errors popped up, I thought roblox was just down until I went to the website to see a nonsensical 1 day ban. so at least now with this update I can know immediately what is actually going on.

but I think the real core of the problem is how moderation is even conducted.

to quote the statement above: “if your account recieved a moderation warning or ban. our intent is to offer a faster way to appeal incorrect moderations so you can quickly return to creation and development work.”

there are a few problems with this, first and formost this feels like treating the problem not curing it, granted its better than nothing.

secondly appealing moderation is a mixed bag, support will either unban or keep you banned and never give any specific details on why you were banned and what you can do specifically to fix the problem. for example if something is wrong with your audio why not tell developers exactly what is wrong with the audio and how you can fix it rather than telling developers to buckle up and take the ban.