Crumbling Ruins (Build)

Hey all,

@Infinite_Visions here. I am working on my game High Seas (the latest Devlog can be found here ). The map keeps looking better and better :yum:

My newest addition, Crumbling Ruins, is a mysterious place. Nobody knows who made it, or what caused its downfall.

I’d like feedback on my builds - is it creative, fine looking, and interesting? Thank you!

  • Amazing Build
  • Fine Build
  • Bad Build (Explain why)
  • Terrible Build (Explain why)

0 voters

This is an extension of the past two builds I’ve done, Sandy Shafts and Skull Island. Thanks for reading :grin:


The map looks good, I love the 1st screenshot especially, but the build looks a little bland.
Maybe some moss, dead trees or bushes could be good. Do you have a time period for the build?

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I spent about an hour on this build.

I agree. I’m in a tricky scenario (I’m trying to not have too much detail, due to the size of the map, but I want a nice map). I’ll make sure to add more detail - when I launch, there will be tools laying around that can be picked up as well.

Thanks for your feedback!

Is it for realistic or mid poly? Must use PBR.

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I like the stone structures you built! They’re very detailed and would be great for an underwater civilization. You also got an important aspect down which is to make it look broken down!
Although, this does get a little boring to look at. The main reason why is the shapes you chose.

  • From your screenshot of the entire map, I can tell it’s very rectangular and square-like. Those shapes are bound to get boring to look at. Try changing them into more variety of shapes!
  • The terrain is very flat. More hills and mounds would be great to look at!
  • It’d also offer some neat options like being able to hide certain parts of the map. I could see myself zooming out and rotating my camera around and that’d be it. I’ve seen everything.
  • Definitely add more greenery (Plants). It exists literally everywhere. Try adding moss onto the rock and structures.
  • The outside border of the sand just ends like that. It’s so square shaped and boring to look at. I’d recommend to make it go over the cliff edges so it’s more spread out.

Overall, you made a fine build in my opinion. Sorry if my criticism sounded harsh. You are a much better builder than me. This is much better than what I can do.

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I doubt it, I only build when I can’t find anyone to do it for me.

Great idea, definitely will do. I’m working on importing more of it into my game.

I’ll make sure to change up the shapes.

It is tricky balancing detail with performance :disappointed_relieved:

Not at all, that’s exactly what I’m looking for, thank you :slight_smile:

The build looks great! One thing I noticed is that the walls look kind of new and not really destroyed, maybe try adding some fallen bricks and holes in the walls :slightly_smiling_face:

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nice build. i mean, seeing people use synty assets is honestly amazing. they are very underrated for how good they are.

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I agree. Synty assets are a lifesaver - my game would be 100 times worse without them.

I’d say it could use a bit more to be added. Other than that, very good build :+1:

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What exactly do you have in mind? I’d love to know more of your thoughts :slight_smile: