Ctrl + D Occastionally Bugs

Every now and then, Ctrl + D will not work. It will act as if I am not pressing control. Pressing ctrl + (A/S) still works as usual but ctrl + d will act like I am only pressing d. This only happens sometimes and I don’t know how to fix it.

Been happening to me too. It usually works fine, but when it stops working it’s done. I have to go to CmdUtl to use the Duplicate in place tool.
I was so happy when Ctrl D came back, but then this happened…

Right-clicking and using Duplicate from the pop-up menu once restores the keyboard shortcut functionality, at least for me. Have you tried that?

Yep, this is the way to fix it. It’s still a really annoying bug, though.

It only bugs out when you have Collisions on.

No, we don’t mean duplicating on top of the original part – we mean Studio fails to recognize the key shortcut completely and just functions as if you just pressed ‘D’ without Ctrl.

My bad, I read this and replied in a rush before my laptop’s battery died, hah.

But in respects to the Duplicate problem Echo, that’s what I found that was breaking the Duplication hotkey’s functionality. It also occurs on Ribbon Bar.

Just to mention, I just tried out the thing mentioned in OP in RibbonBar with no problems, so it must be a system menu only problem.

What did you test out?

Duplicating using the Ctrl+D hotkey.

How many times did you test it? Enough times to cover “only happens sometimes”?

As well as testing it 20 times just now, I’ve been building stuff for the last 4 days flat out and have been regularly using the hotkey and never had any problem.

The Ctrl+D bug happens so rarely that it’s impossible to test. I can go weeks without experiencing it, but I’ll just hit certain hot spots where it keeps breaking. Just because you’ve tested it a couple of times and had it work doesn’t mean it is nonexistent.

Reminds me of the Paste Into bug.

Who knows – they might be related.

The only thing I have noted from experience with the paste into bug is that it only ever has occurred for me when I’ve had multiple place instances open and have been going back and forth between the windows.

I know that is OT, just wanted to throw that out there incase anyone can relate to it.

I regularly work with multiple places open as well – perhaps they are indeed linked.

Happens to me too, learnt it’s an issue with the computer getting the key input messed up, spamming the hell out of my CTRL key (or was it shift) usually resolves this.

If there is no consistent repro, does it seem to happen more often with more items on the screen or does this not matter?

I don’t think it matters – it’s happened times where I’ve been working with a lot of parts, and others that I only had ~10 parts in the game.

I had this happen to me again. I appars that right clicking and duplicating through the menu fixed the hotkey. I wish I had some sort of repro.