Cupz Cafe | Rank Information

Hello! Welcome to the Cupz Cafe Rank Information Guide! This guide will give you everything that you need to know about Cupz Cafe!

This is only the information for Cupz Cafe’s ranks.

LR Ranks

Customer | A player who has been verified as not a bot, or not Customer Banned | No limit

Amateur | A new staff member who is awaiting training | No limit

Junior Staff | Staff member | No limit

Staff Member | Staff member | No limit

Senior Staff | Staff member, last LR rank | No limit

MR Ranks

Apprentice | A new member of the MR team. Normally shadowing or assisting, so they can learn | 20

Supervisor | A person who has shown that they’re able to manage normal MR tasks like interviewing or training | 16

Shift Assistant | They have shown that they’re willing to continue in Cupz Cafe, and have shown great skills while interviewing and training. They’re now able to host sessions | 14

General Manager | These users are nearly ready to advance further into the business, they’re at a stage where they should know most things | 10

Administrative Overseer | A person who has shown dedication to the group, and a person who has shown good effort and skill | 7

HR Ranks

Junior Corporate | High Rank Assistant | 4

Corporate Team | High Rank | 4

Senior Corporate | Head of group decisions, they assist with all HR operations | 4

SHR Ranks

Chief Administrative Officer | First SHR rank | 2

Chief Executive Officer | Second SHR rank | 2

Vice Chairperson | Very rare rank | 1

Chairperson | A rank that can only be earned by owning the group | 1

Got a question? Feel free to ask an MR!


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