Current method of storing translations is unstable and unreliable

I have been suffering from slowness, instability and unreliability in translation operations for a long time.

  1. On the portal, I rarely get the list to load completely the first time. Usually I have to refresh the browser several times until the symbol below disappears:

  2. Also, many times, when I want to save a translation directly on the portal, I get the message that it Failed to save translartion, please try again later, and I have to click on the save button a few times until I manage to save it correctly. This is a problem, because if I don’t pay attention, I might not notice that the translation was NOT saved and lose work:

  3. Once I managed to save the translation on the portal, it takes around 3 to 5 minutes for it to be active in Studio or Player. That is, every time I make a change in the translation, I have to wait this long to be able to see this result. Imagine that multiplied by dozens of translation tests…

  4. Many times a registered translation is simply not found (obviously I check the key byte by byte). In this case, I’m forced to delete the translation and reinsert it exactly as it was before for it to be recognized::

  5. Also on the portal, as reported in this other bug report, the page freezes after deleting a translation.

  6. In Studio, I notice that when I export a few hundred lines at once in a .CSV file, most of the time the translations are not entirely received by the portal. I have to repeat the process in Studio with the same file 1 or 2 additional times to get all the translations of the .CSV file correctly sent:

Something is very wrong with this architecture.

Page URL:


Hi Rogerio!

Thanks for the report! We’re currently actively investigating this issue for a solution. Could we get a copy of the CSV that you’re trying to upload so we can reproduce the issue on our end? If possible, could I also get added as a translator to your experience so I can look at the error you’re seeing?


I don’t know if it will be possible to simulate the same errors in my production environment, because as I informed, the current environment is highly sensitive and unreliable. I don’t want to lose all the work I’ve had so far because of one more failure.
Furthermore, I’ll send you in PM the .CSV and ask that if possible, I can do some tests in another area.

Edit: In addition, the sending of the .CSV refers to only 1 of the errors I reported.


Hey @rogeriodec_games, sorry we haven’t followed up on this!

We took a look at your localization table and everything seems normal - are you still experiencing issues with this? If not, we suspect there might have been some temporary issue with our system when this was initially reported, so we’ll go ahead and close this out. But if you’re continuing to have problems, please let us know and we can investigate further. Thanks!