I’d like to see some kind of cursive font in roblox similar to this one:
Maybe some options for italics or bold. I’m sure there are probably open-source images ROBLOX could use for this font. Another possibility would be for roblox to open up the default Windows fonts included with the OS, or custom fonts created by developers. Thanks!
Itd be cool to see more fonts, 100%. But I think Roblox takes into consideration legibility of the fonts as well, and as of a few years ago, cursive is no longer in the curriculum. I don’t know how many people could read that
Maybe not so slanty, but something along those lines would be useful for game aesthetics. Here’s another photo with some more legible font. It’s from the same game:
sorry about that guy casually stealing a taxi in the background. Don’t mind him…
What Roblox needs is separate bools in text displaying objects for bold, underline, and italics. Then, to deprecate the separate Font enums dedicated to altercations of fonts (ex. SourceSansProBold)