Custom Character Similar to "Eg"

Sorry if this is in the wrong category.

I’m trying to make a voxel based game, and I’m attempting to make a custom character. I have the model, and it hasn’t been rigged yet. What I’m trying to do with it is something similar to “Eg!”, a game that has silly custom characters that move around by physics (I think). How would I go about making my character physics based?

Image of the character:


Also, I’m trying to make it like an R15 rig, so there is a separation between upper leg, lower leg, etc.

Edit: After reading this over, I realized it was a bit unclear.

I’m basically trying to make the custom character have a torso that follows the players camera, and the legs move by physics, so if the player holds w, the legs will go into a walking movement, or if the player holds a, the legs will go from side to side and move the character in a sideways movement.

TL;DR: I want to try to recreate the custom characters from Eg. I’m not sure exactly how I’d do this, so any tips would help.

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pretty good

Thanks for the feedback, but how would I go about recreating the system mentioned above?

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idk ask the question in or on devforum

You could easily could make that character into “Mr. Game and watch”. Do not though because you will get sued by Nintendo if your game becomes popular.

That’s what I’m doing right now. This is the devforum. I’m just trying to get tips for this.

Also, this isn’t a scripting issue, it’s a physics issue.

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