Custom Character Won't respawn when dying to void

Hello! I’ve discovered a bug where when you create a custom character on Roblox, your character can’t respawn when dying to the void.

Resetting does respawn the player, however, it is unaffected by the RespawnTime in the Players Properties.


These are two Custom Rigs. The one on the left is the character I made, and the one on the right is the character that Roblox made from the Rig Builder



Roblox’s Custom Character on the right, works completely normally. It dies to the void and resetting, and is affected by the Respawn Time.

How come my character doesn’t do that? Did I make it wrong?

This is how I built my custom char:

The problem varies from character to character. For example this Custom Mesh Rig I made can reset and is affected by respawn time, but cannot respawn by void

This guy had the same problem, but decided to fix this using scripting:

However, I feel like this problem is something that should be able to be solved without scripting anything.

Here is the place file:
ProblemWithCustomRigs.rbxl (47.8 KB)
Comes with all 3 rigs


I think I solved it, oops. Custom Characters must have a humanoidrootpart, torso, and head to work properly.


Hey, I’ve added a Torso, HumanoidRootPart and Head to my custom character, I still have the exact same problem that you had. Could you please elaborate on what exactly you did to fix this?

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Sorry its been a while, i dont exactly remember the details on how I solved the problem…

Can you show me a screenshot of your rig in the Explorers tab?

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solution no longer works, can’t figure out how to make characters respawn when died to void

Alright finally found a solution:

  1. Make sure that your humanoid has its RequiresNeck property set to true
  2. You need to have 3 parts in your rig a Head, Torso, and HumanoidRootPart
  3. Name the head to “Head” and HumanoidRootPart to “HumanoidRootPart”
  4. If your humanoid’s RigType is set to R6 then name your Torso to “Torso” and if it is set to R15 name your torso to “UpperTorso”

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