Custom Inventory or Backpack

Excellent Job! This is a amazing resource, thanks for sharing it to other developers. I never really liked the look of the Backpack UI and I’ll most definitely use this in my newest game! :heart:

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When I play the game on roblox it isn’t hidden, in roblox studio it is. Just something annoying I guess

This is wholesome, I wish I could somehow ping it on the post.

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comment is a ping with your reply to it… ping pong ping…, I am going to check out his mod

You can increment the Hotbar’s position from 1.7 to 2 to fix it on Studio, but it would look slightly odd when on Client.

I’ve recently been busy with schoolwork so I can’t get around to getting any work done. Sincerely sorry! I’ll update the post when I have time.

Update: I got round to finally fix the issue of Hobar being hidden. Check both rbxm and rbx files in the post and let me know if it solves the problem.

hihi again, ik its been long since i reported the bug from my old phone

Ive compared and replaced the lines it changed but it doesn’t seem to fix the way these hotbars are listed, it still displays a nil or dismatched list, This one still occurs even on my newer phone.

ignore the dispositioned UI, phone refreshed itself

Its not just the code that I changed, I made the UI and its properties compatible with mobile.

I looked at the code… and maybe forgot… is there a way of only having the hotbar slots, and no inventory / backpack… I see I can limit the slots a number, like 2 , but it will still fill up the inventory. I would like to have it so you can only have X amount of tools via the slot variable, and no inventory (if that is the correct name for the upper area where you can normally put stuff)

@fernan1010 or @VoltenNa ?


And not just commenting out the code for the ` keybind… since it will still overflow into the inventory area…

oh and also what about slot stacking? of the same tool in one slot…

Since you pinged me, I’ll reply.

Well, disabling the Inventory Keybind will disable the feature of accessing the Inventory, but like you said any excess Tools will be directed to the Inventory.

If you want to make it exclusively Hotbar, then you have to make significant modifications (meaning you have to understand how it works which requires scripting knowledge):

That means not only removing the GUI but also a lot of its functionality.

It also means rewriting how AddTool() works and adding an if statement and an event checker to check whether the Player has the said maximum amount of Tools in his/her’s Hotbar. If so, it doesn’t add to Player’s Hotbar.

It would be a monumental work. Unfortunately, since I have schoolwork I can’t help you out. You could ask for fernan1010’s help. :wink:

UI now fully works! but one issue is that it’s harder to equip on mobile, it works on certain pixels for some slot rather than instantly equipping it when tapping inside (the tap point offset goes off a bit from tapping so it’s dispositioned again)

You would have to debug that yourself, you changed a lot the GUI (for example the slot being rectangular and not square) so it makes sense theres issues.

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Ok thanks for the info… I might also see about incorporating an open source serve side back end invenory system and see if it can incorporate with this front end sustem.

I’ve been thinking of how to ping my reply on your post and I think I’ve come up with the best solution.
You could check post 72 and copy its link.

how did you get the cool colors, also im confused by what you mean to set hotbar position to 2. NVm figured out second questionw

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About the first question wdym exactly by “cool colors”? Do you mean the fact that the slot changes color every time Tool is disabled or what?

your script editor colors char

Oh, I see. Well, here’s how to get custom syntax highlighting (the color of my text in my code editor):

In Roblox Studio, click FILE at the top left corner of your screen, then click Studio Settings...
A new window will pop up. Click Script Editor in the left column, then scroll down to the Theme section, where you can customize the syntax highlighting.

If you want my settings, then you can imitate the following to get my script editor character colors:

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how can I let the tool go instantly in the inventory Gui?pls help

Does it save the tools in slots every time you rejoin or health is 0?

No, but if you want to save the slots when they rejoin, you’d have to create a datastore for the items and add them back to the player.

And if you want to save items for when player dies, you’d have to make a server script to get the player’s backpack into a table and then give back all their items through that table.

Here’s a link for when player dies:

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