Hello, I’m Gameboy and I’m happy to announce the release of Custom-Npc! A plugin I have worked long hours of scripting, fixing bugs and perfecting UI.
What and Why?
With a click of a button Custom-Npc allows users to create and customize their own npcs easily with a new fresh and clean user interface and more.
Using this plugin will help your workflow of creating and designing npcs/rigs/characters of any kind.
Here is what Custom-Npc has to offer:
Customize your rigs clothing (Accessories, shirts etc.)
Compatible with both R6 and R15 rigs
Easily change your rigs skin color
Easily add animations to your rigs
Able to save your custom rigs that you have designed at any time
Able to load your rigs into workspace with a click of a button
Easily import players into the editor
Easily import already existing rigs into the editor
Simple and straight-forward UI Design
Easy to use
I have made a website all about Custom-Npc! (How to use it, more info about it etc.)
Download Link
Install Custom-Npc here!
Hope you guys enjoy this plugin! I worked very hard on it. I plan to add more features to Custom-Npc as time goes on. Feel free to send any questions, update ideas or anything really!
Feel free to check out Quick-Parent another awesome plugin that I have scripted here!
Updates List
Has now shifted to the official Custom-Npc docs site!
Latest Update
Update V1.3.3 is OUT!
This might be the biggest update ever launched to Custom-Npc!
New Features
Now you can add insert any user on roblox into the editor easily with its ui!
Support added for Robloxian 2.0 - now able to edit robloxian 2.0 characters alongside R6 and R15!
Reviews added - Looking for reviews to be added onto Custom-Npc pages!
Switch between dark and light mode - For the people who use light mode
UI Revamp - Looks cleaner and professional whilst maintaining the original feel.
Bug fixes
Due to the new marketplace update, Custom-Npc will now only be available on itch.io
Custom-Npc by GameboyTheDev (itch.io)
Let me know if you have any questions, suggestions, update ideas etc!
Have a nice day!
August 25, 2023, 9:39pm
Looks great!
Looks like a cool and well-designed plugin!
Also, I like your voice! Keep it up with the videos
August 25, 2023, 9:52pm
super well-designed plugin, with lots of features I haven’t seen others do before.
Great job with this, will definitely give it a shot
Finally! A easyinsert alternative that is updated! I’ll get it when i get robux. Will be using.
Known Issues:
Theres a typo in this image:
Custom-Npc. (unnecessary period)
Cool plugin, but why should I use this instead of using random character?
I made a plugin that picks random character from real players.
It picks a random number and checks if its a bacon hair or not. easy.
Give it a try:
August 27, 2023, 1:31pm
because you can get a unfair character
like, I mean you can get this:
or even this
(he’s a nextbot in the game but I call him “bunny dude”)
while this one, you can create your own npc
Hey there, I just finished fixing my typos on the banner thanks for letting me know in the first place or I would have never known.
The difference between Custom-Npc and Meerzean’s Random Character Picker is his plugin just grabs a random character from roblox users. Custom-Npc on the other hand lets users customize their own npcs with the npc editor.
Just as @VSCPlays stated above.
I like the look of the bottom character
Found a thing! I dunno if it’s just me, but it’s bothering me.
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Must be a scaling issue on my side (Prob going to be changed in the next patch its a minor thing). You can still resize the window by moving the sides to rescale it to your likings though!
Update: Seems like a Roblox issue from what I’ve heard from others. I’ll try to see what I can do.
Custom-Npc V1.0.1 is now OUT!
Here’s what’s new:
Rescaled the plugin UI so it doesn’t look distorted on the first time opening it
Issues with the animations frame not showing all of the R15 animation packs has now been fixed
New and improved icons to provide a clearer understanding of their functions.
Hopefully you guys enjoy this update!
Custom-Npc V1.0.2 Bug Fix Update
Just fixed a small patch that seemed unintuitive.
I patched an annoying warning to users loading R15 characters into workspace without selecting any animations. Npcs still loaded in workspace but just thought about fixing it.
Also need to note that the plugins price has dropped from 175 to 150!
September 18, 2023, 7:52pm
Work on the UI, then I may buy it.
Hey, what do you think I should change with the UI?
September 21, 2023, 8:00pm
Its just confusing about what paintbrush does what tbh
There was a new UI update on the icons. Update: V1.1.2
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Oh my god this is going to be a life saver since roblox still hasn’t fixed their exporting issue
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Hey everyone, it’s been a while now and I’m just curious on what to add to this plugin!
I would love to hear your ideas!
Custom-Npc Update V1.1.3 Update!
In this update I have made a few minor UI changes to help enhance the look of Custom-Npc’s UI.
Important Announcement!
I am currently working on a documentation page for Custom-Npc as it will give further explanation on how to use the plugin and so much more!