Custom Rig’s HumanoidRootPart Behaving Unpredictably

I am trying to play the animations for a snake boss in my game.

For whatever reason, loading it in immediately teleports it underground and to the side of its humanoidrootpart, which stays where it is but slowly slides away off the map.

Attempting to weld the hrp to their lower torso causes them to be pivoted entirely on their lower torso and animate upside down (because the lower torso is heavily angled in the idle animation)

I’ve tried re-rigging it, making all details massless, moving the hrp back to normal when it breaks, but it always seems to break. What am I doing wrong?

I will note each body part has details welded to it using weldconstraints, but all of them are boss cancollide off and massless, so I have no idea how that could cause it. I’ve worked with custom rigs before, and this has never happened.

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pushing this because I still have no idea what’s happening

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