Custom Rig Limbs Flailing and Not Animating Properly

Hello! Currently I am working on rigging a custom rig for a hockey game. I am having issues playing some animations on this rig, specifically with the legs flailing everywhere in random directions and animations not fully playing how they are supposed to. I have set the animation priority to Action4 and have adjusted the weight as high as it can go. In the animation script I have also stop all playing animations before playing the specific one that I want. Attached below are images of how the animation looks like in the editor and how it plays in game.

Standing Idle in Animation Editor

Standing Idle in Game

Butterfly Position in Animation Editor

Butterfly Position in Game

And here is how the limbs start flailing when the rig is used with the default Roblox animation script.

I have a feeling that this could be a rigging issue but I have made rigs like this in the past and I have not had this issue.

Thank you!


Could be an issue with the rotation of the legs.

cool game btw

So it was definitely an issue with the rig, i couldn’t figure out exactly what it was but I redid the joints and rigging on the legs and it completely fixed it with no issues at all.

Thanks for the complements too!

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