Custom Skin Tones not saving to Character Presets


A while ago, the skin tone picker was expanded to support using custom color skin tones on the website. However, custom colors do not apply to custom characters (Avatar Editor → Characters → Creations), and will instead use the old behavior of reverting to the nearest non-custom Roblox color when re-equipped.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Change your skin tone to a custom color. For this example, I’ll use (0, 22, 63).
  2. Create a custom character preset using this skin tone.
  3. Equip the preset.
  4. It should change your skin-tone to (0, 32, 96), the closest Roblox preset skin tone.

For another example, a skin tone of (0,0,0) (achieved with either an extension, or catalog avatar creator) will change to (17, 17, 17) upon equipping the character preset, as another example.

Extra Information:
I am using an extension called BTRoblox to view the color selector and RGB on the website. This was not used to change the skin tone itself unless stated.

The custom Roblox slider selector within the Roblox app was used for testing this (unless stated otherwise, again).

This topic probably suffers from bad wording as I couldn’t think of the right wording to use for a lot of things, so if you don’t understand something I said, please ask.

Expected behavior

If this was working correctly, the custom skin tone should be applied correctly upon equipping the preset, instead of reverting to the old behavior of choosing the closest Roblox preset skin tone.


This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and we will update you when we have further information!

Thanks for the report!


Issue is still around as of today… It makes it pretty tedious to change outfits without using something like avatar catelog creator.

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There’s an extension that fixes this, although I’d have to find it. If I do I’ll edit this message.

Edit: It’s RoSeal.
Miscellaneous → Avatar Customization → Allow setting custom body colors


This is a good work around, but it is something that should be fixed. Thanks


Thanks for reporting, just wanted to update that we’re still working on this!