Custom Wave Using Skinned Meshes


  • Public development discontinued until further notice.

I would like to share my work on creating custom waves, so you do not have to take 2 days to figure these out. Also, I will explain how I made it. (magic)

Video of my creation:

Link to model on creator marketplace:

How I made it:
I found information on how to do this just by looking up key words. I eventually came to this devForum page:

That only told me how to make the mesh with bones, so I had to code it myself.
This youtube video here:

Explained everything I needed to know after a couple rewatches.
I just played around with different combinations of math functions and code until I got what I currently have. Anyways, enjoy having custom waves without the hassle!

Change log:

  1. Redid wave system
  2. Some old systems may be deprecated

Look in sound service in the explorer and turn on volumetric audio, will make ocean water sound work properly.


  1. Added displacement in the x and z direction.
  2. Added 2 more textures.
  3. Changed the way textures are animated for a more realistic look.


  1. Changed some logic - maybe it’s using the gerstner wave function now?
  2. Added a tag (“wave_drift”) that can be used to makes objects float in the water.
  3. Added code to make objects float in the water.


  1. Made the system work better with the server side
    Note: Buoyancy soon?

thanks for making this! was looking for solutions to gerstner waves on ROBLOX for a long time, and I’ll have a mess around with your model now :slight_smile:

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Great contribution!


Find the Y value in a X,Z position?

Could you explain further on what you mean by that?

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Oh, sorry.

Say I have any given object. Using its X and Z position values, how can I determine the Y value that corresponds to its position in the water?

I just added up the x and z results in the script, note the current model does not use the gerstner wave function (woops) but I am working on it.

how optimized is this? just wondering

Optimized enough to run easily on my phone.

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Just updated the system! Hope you all enjoy it!

is it still possible to make parts float like in this video?

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I hope this inspires roblox to make better water.

Well, yes, but I may have forgot to add that to the new version. I’ll add it soonTM


How would i rotate the water so it flows the other way

When will buoyancy be added? since I saw a video of it from 8 months ago, Thanks!