Customize new bubble chat origin / adornee part + height offset

As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to control where the new bubble chat bubbles are adorned to, or their placement. Currently they are adorned to the root part and their height is adjusted to the height of the bounding box, or something similar, and as far as I know there is no way to change this.

This results in stupid behavior like this:

This renders bubbles unreadable and unsightly, and also causes really strange behavior with tools that move parts within them (which is done to automate cleanup of visualizers when the character dies).

I would like to be able to override this behavior, perhaps by choosing the bubblechat adornee by means of a specially named part in the character, where the name of which can be given via the settings table, and by setting a vertical offset manually.

An override setting could be called something like “BubbleAdorneeOverride”, and VerticalStudsOffset could be used to determine height.


Thanks for the post! I’m currently working on an update for bubble chat that will add many new customization settings to the SetBubbleChatSettings API, including this ability to pick what part of the character will serve as the adornee. It’s going to be a customization setting called “AdorneeName”, the default value will be “HumanoidRootPart” but you will be able to provide the name of any child part (or attachment!) and the bubbles will attach themselves to the first item under the character with that name.

The original idea was that developers could revert to the old bubble chat behavior of having the billboard UI adornee’d to the Head rather than HumanoidRootPart, but it should also work for your use case of custom character models. Disclaimer: this is still very much a work in progress so I can’t promise anything yet, but stay tuned!


Thanks for the response, I’m super glad to hear, especially about the option to use an attachment.

Do these new settings address the issue with the bubble automatically choosing a height according to the bounding box? This is the problematic behavior in the OP. I think a setting to turn off this dynamic height behavior would solve this problem.

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No plan for this particular toggle but maybe this is something we should consider. In any case, with that new AdorneeName setting you will be able to specify an Attachment rather than a Part for the adornee, and doing so will remove this behavior where the bubble will attempt to reposition itself depending on the size of the character’s bounding box.


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