Customize the ribbon

It’d be handy if we could customize the ROBLOX ribbon like we can in Office 2013 (creating/renaming/removing/reordering tabs and modifying their contents). See:

Right now this is only currently possible with XML edits, but in addition to not being officially supported, you have to create your own launcher to use with studio or else your xml edits will be overwritten every time studio updates.

Use cases:

  • I can create an “Effects” tab dedicated to creating and modifying visual effects in my place if that’s something I do a lot. I could move the Effects dropdown from the Model tab to the Effects tab and move all of my plugins dedicated to effects here. (Might be more effective than this @Silent137 at plugin organization)
  • The Home tab is pretty much just an overview of every other tab, and if it’s redundant and not useful to me, I can remove it to free up space (very valuable on smaller laptop screens) in the quick access menu or for more tabs
  • I may not like that Play/Run are combined into a single dropdown on the Test tab and could expand them out, maybe even adding in out-of-window Play Solo to the tab if I’m testing something that has a tendency to crash studio (trying to fix an infinite loop)
  • I may want to add some of my own terrain plugins to the Terrain tab
  • I might be a keyboard shortcut kind of person and not use the ribbon at all, so removing all of the tabs could free up space in the QAM for my smaller laptop screen
  • I might want to remove all of the tabs except plugins/terrain since I keep everything else in the QAM or use those items through other parts of the interface (i.e. properties window)

It’d also be nice if we could modify the contents of the File menu. For instance, this is what I prefer:

(pretty much a one-stop place for stuff I do only on occasion so the buttons don’t take up space elsewhere)

Edit: Silent137 was kind enough to add a card to the Trello board for us! Trello


This would be incredible! I feel like it’s one of those things where once you tried it, you wouldn’t be able to go back. Like 60fps gaming or dual monitors.

So this: , but for non-plugin buttons?

Kind of? It’s the same concept I guess. I should be able to add plugins to the ribbon tabs too though – not just non-plugins (i.e. Terrain plugins) AFAIK there’s no way to hide items from the plugin list in that Trello card either – it’s important we’re able to do that on the ribbon though.

Man, @Silent137 at it again, and quick as always:


I’d really like to be able to edit the menus and buttons in RibbonBar without having to hack my way into the XML.
This is my current layout:

Could we please also have an official dark theme? The white color kinda strains my eyes.


Yep – that’s something you’d be able to do with what’s requested in the OP. Dark theme also sounds nice.

Something similar to VS would be very cool.

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Additionally, synchronize the ribbon layout across all installed versions of studio.

Adding more colors would be nice.

A black ribbon bar pls

XML hacks and abusing the quick-access bar might work for now, but it’s clearly not the way to go.
I feel that we want and need complete customizability, with minimal wasted space and clutter. This means that we should not tolerate empty bars featuring two allcaps tabs wasting vertical space, nor thick stacks of icons that should really just be dropdowns.
The old SystemMenu UI and the new RibbonBar UI are both not even close to what the (admittedly really old and messy, but please bear with me) Legacy UI has to offer in terms of customizability and space efficiency:

Simply adding dividers and groups to the Quick Access bar is one thing, but the old UI also had support for custom hotkeys, the ability to edit the default menubar and its contents, icons, text, placement, custom dropdown menus, basically everything you’d expect from a studio or editor (according to the standard set by office 2003).
Do note that those dropdowns, groups and dividers can also be stacked and layered to heart’s content. The possibilities are endless (for example: a menubar terrain dropdown featuring the terrain tools and yet another dropdown featuring terrain plugins, which are then grouped and divided properly). Just imagine this functionality applied to context menus: right-click that imagelabel to use your favorite class switcher plugin. Maybe try imagining this being applied to the insert class dialog; divide it into dropdowns of different base classes, such as the bodymover class, guibase class, etc, then have those lead to neatly ordered submenus to select the desired class.

Rebuilding this UI and then porting the Ribbon to it would work a lot better than the other way around (which is what we’re doing now; attempting to build something that was more customizable inside of the RibbonUI).

Also first post hello everyone whoo it’s great dreams sometimes do come true~