Cutscenes/Cutscene Moves

I want to make a cutscene with multiple Characters

I want the best method to do this.
Should I:
A. Make the Cframes of every character in the same spot, then have it play the animation or
B. Attach all the Characters together and animate a scene like that
Would I have to rename the M6Ds to be different for the anim to work, I want this system to be dynamic and work with any number of characters.

I don’t need actual working code, psuedocode or just a general outline of where I should start would be great please and thank you.


Animate each character’s role seperatly. Put parts for the camera movements and then play the animations like that. When you play the cutscene, apply each character to a different animation, and trigger the camera cinematic function for each player. Hope this helps :slight_smile:

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i’m so sorry to revive this topic, but i have a few questions, if you or somebody else who sees this bumped thread could help me out with:

For moving the camera part (or attachment) around during the cutscene, should I go with tweens, animating the part as part of one (or both for 2 povs) of the characters, or maybe something else in blender?

When I animate each character separately, how could I guarantee that both animations play at the same time for each player?

If I could guarantee synchrony, I’m thinking of adding a “base” part of sorts on initiation, where one player would have their CFrame moved a bit in front of the part and the other one a bit behind it. I don’t know if it’d be best for aerial parts of cutscenes though.

One last trivial question; how could I actually animate both the players without Moon Animator? I’m one of the unlucky few that never snatched Moon while I could. I’m thinking of using blender, but my game isn’t anything too fancy. Is there a simpler, less powerful option, or should I just stick to blender?


First of all, using Blender for animating a part is unnecessary. What I meant, was place a part for each camera shot. Then, tween the workspace.CurrentCamera to the CFrame of each of those parts.

This shouldn’t be something you need to worry to much about. What you can do, like in doors for example, is make a part. When you have enough players touching the part, run a remote event and fire all clients to run that cutscene. I think running the cutscene on the server would also work for everyone, but I don’t think you can get CurrentCamera on workspace.

I am not sure what you mean by this. If you can elaborate then I would be happy to help.

Moon Animator is a very useful tool and can be very expensive. As a person with Moon Animator, I still want to animate in Blender since it has a lot better quality. If you know how to use Blender, then use that for sure. But if you don’t, you said your game isn’t too high quality, so the regular animator is fine. I really can’t find something in between that.

Hope this all helps!

sorry, i think you misunderstood, I’m trying to make an attack move that a character does, this involves 2-3 players.

TweenService is inadequate for my goals. The game itself isn’t supposed to be high-quality, but I want at least one really good camera cutscene beatdown so I can be proud of myself and keep players wanting to gain the ability to do that again… (its one time use)

I’ve seen people (creators of Heroes Battlegrounds) import camera movement from blender into Roblox, I’m asking how I could also do that? As far as the research I’ve done has shown me, I’ll need this plugin to export rigs and import new animations via blende, but I’m not sure how that would fare with camera animations in the software aforementioned.


I am not too sure how you could do that. I am new to Blender so I really can’t help you with that. As for the attack move, I apologize for misunderstanding. I don’t really know how you could go about this since manually animating each player would work.
Good luck!

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As it turns out, there’s a plugin that helps me with literally every single thing I need. I’m pretty much an expert now lmao.

In case anybody else wanders here, what I do is:

pre: Add rig and add any extra parts (for me, it’d be a tiny invisible part in the center of the rig meant to be used for a camera), if it’s r6 set the primaryPart of the model to the HumanoidRootPart then anchor the part aforementioned

pre2: rig any new part(s) to the torso via rigEdit

  1. Export the rig following the tutorial (with some sort of decal at the front to indicate facing direction)

  2. import the rig (also following said tutorial)

  3. Delete unnecessary leftover meshes

  4. load the blender plugin from the message via the first link in this post, then press N, select all parts, and rebuild the rig. I personally don’t know how it works, but it magically rigs every single part you’ve imported that originated from the roblox plugin.

  5. If you want multiple players, simply duplicate the entire collection and drag the new rig somewhere else. I don’t recommend importing a different rig then rebuilding it, it does weird stuff to the first one.

  6. Make sure to select all whole bone rigs, then go into pose mode. This makes it so you are able to freely animate all the characters like moon animator, and additionally you aren’t constrained by weird roblox motor6d physics, opening up possibilities for freely floating camera parts, realistic gun reloading, and even tree animations.

This isn’t exactly a community tutorials post so I kinda said what I wanted; but the thing is i got it to work and now i’m going to waste a few days animating a single cool finisher. If anybody has any errors with exporting the model I definitely had some errors that I fix by muscle memory so feel free to reach out


Make sure to put this as the solution so the topic will close.
Glad you found out the solution!

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