Blender rig exporter/animation importer

Did you find a fix? bluhbluh

To everybody thats having issues with the plugin, downgrade your blender version to 3.6 or 3.8!!! this will fix any issues youre having


i am searching a fix for the pelvice not moving like it should bug

Rbx Animations is not showing up on N panel, how do I fix this?

nvm I realized that i used the blender obj instead of the addon importer

RBX_Animation_Importer | Cautioned's Fork - Addon (Blender 4.0+) (Roblox Plugin)

I’ve been working on a new version of this plugin, it fixes lots of issues on studio side such as the preview messing up everything or not working on cloud save files, more preview controls.

It lacks a few features such as disabling joints (which you can just delete in an animation editor) but this is still a wip, everything else is pretty nice tho. Upload feature also disabled temporarily due to a bug that breaks the rig. (instead save to rig and right click on the animation to upload)

I will make a thread once I fix up more initial bugs and issues.

Update 6/14: Most of these issues have been resolved, plugin functionality is nearly identical but missing keyframe naming/marker support. Highly recommend checking out if skeptical or having issues with the old plugin.


Looks pretty good so far - I can vouch that it works and am very thankful I don’t have to re-name all of my objects in Blender for once.


Amazing it works as it should now, Thank you!


This is such a life saver! Thank you so much for this!

i struggling to import my rig into blender " :frowning:


Still a major issue here on 2.93, even 3.6

I cant seem to get it working with r6

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you might have to export as legacy or use an older r6 rig when exporting

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Anyone know where I could find a good, working, IK r15 rig for blender? So I can use this properly lol

Get LeftRight’s rig. Showcase:

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Thank you! That looks very similar to a rig I used, but that one didn’t work at all. I hope this one is correctly importable.

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Use Blender 4.0. Anyways, you’re welcome.


Any plans to add a feature that allows us to define animation events or named keyframes in the blend file? One of my biggest inconveniences is having to re-import the animation into roblox animation editor just to be able to do that and it gets worse when I decide to tweak anything.

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Just a heads up I have found that your version doesn’t work unless the place file is published but once it is it will work both with team create enabled & disabled

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Could you tell me from where I could get this rig plz, ty.

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