Hi everyone. I’m currently working on a “daily rewards” system and I wanted insight from the community on the best way to go about handling it. So far I have three ideas for implementing a 24 hour “daily reward” timer
The 24 hour timer starts when the player joins a server after their last timer has expired
The 24 hour timer expires & starts every day at 12AM UTC (8pm EST)
The 24 hour timer expires & starts every day at 12AM for the player’s local timezone
Personally I’m impartial to implementation here, leaning slightly towards option #2, so that’s why I would like input from the community here. Any insight you guys could provide is valuable to me. Thank you!
I think 3 would be the best, less chance to miss the daily reward deadline unlike option 2
But if you somehow decide to pick option 1, make it 22 or 23 hours, so it doesn’t count up each time you’re a quarter or so too late and doesn’t get you in really weird hours over time
That’s what I tried to say for option #1, please excuse my poor wording there. I’m very iffy on this one because if the player claims their reward at a late time in the day, such as 23:00 their local time, then they’ll be unable to claim their next reward until night-time the next day.
This would be best. I feel like your last option can be abused in some way, for instance people can join and play at 11:50 PM and only would have to wait 10 minutes for the next reward. Unless this will be prevented but based on the context, I don’t think so.
I don’t really see this as “abusing” the system, mainly because they won’t be able to collect their next reward until 24 hours later - so it’s not like this is something that can be repeated every day. Though I suppose it could result in slightly lower engagement from those who play video games around midnight?
That’s why I said it may be abused, I don’t know 100% of what you’re giving out. I do agree with you though, but I feel like having it at when thee player last played may be best as it’s at their leisure.
Can’t really be abused, claiming 2 items in a short time span comes at the cost of having waited the whole first day and having to wait a full new day for the next reward
just wanted to say you should add a feature for daily rewards that if the player didn’t collect yesterday’s daily reward it should say ‘2’ on the daily rewards thing because they didnt collect yesterday’s they have two daily reward tocollect
24 hours in my opinion is sort of worrying, if it was fixed to the time according to the first option, considerng that I have had poor user experience when I was playing a mobile game with a fixed 24 hours daily reward system. It is not feasible.
The second option is slightly better, but I rather not do this because it is a complication to a certain time zone and an edge for others.
Third option would be the best, but alternatively, you would opt for a 12-, 16- or 18-hours cycle instead with the first option.
Just 24 hours is bad as we know some of us have school and jobs, so it’s a bit of a mess reconnecting for our daily reward. Here’s how it should go, (note that there are other option).
Player joins and gets first daily reward
Player leaves.
For 18-20 hours, the player can’t have his reward yet.
Player joins again after the number given and gets daily reward.
There’s also an option I’d consider, do it like how Bad Buisness does, let me explain.
Regularly, the shop changes very day at a specific time, and then the daily reward is given.
Or you could log when the player joins to an external server and then once they click the ‘Claim Reward’, fire the server, which has a timer of say 24Hrs and once the desired time is up enable the Reward