Daily Updating System Item Shop

Hey there, I am working on my simulator game, and I would like to add and implement a item shop kind of like arsenal, where every day the shop resets and adds new items. Does anyone know how to do this? If you know of any youtube videos that explain how to do this, that would be excellent!

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I’m a noob at scripting, but here’s how I would go about this…

I would probably put all of the items you wanted to be able to sell in serverstorage, then make a table of all of the available options. Every day, the shop would choose 5 (or whatever works for your game) items to be sold that day, and make them available to be purchased (maybe use a canBuy attribute). For the ui, you could use icons or viewportframes of the chosen items.

Hope this helps, and good luck!

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This guy made a really good tutorial on how to do this, it helped me a lot.

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