Dancing NPC's. Not working?

Hello Developers,

I am trying to make a dancing NPC. I have the script and stuff that makes it play. I am wanting to use animations made by Roblox like Monkey and Jumping Wave but when I put the IDs in they don’t work… Here is my script. Can’t tell if its a Script Problem or what?

local Humanoid = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local Animation = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(script:FindFirstChildOfClass("Animation"))

Animation.Looped = true
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the game can only load animations you publish to roblox. Publish the animation as your animation or a group animation (whichever the game is under) then edit your script like this:

local tool = script.Parent
local Anim = Instance.new("Animation")
Anim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://" --add your animation id after the "//"
local track = track = script.Parent.Parent.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Anim) --change this to however many "Parents" are needed to get to the humanoid.
track.Priority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Action
track.Looped = true
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How would I go about re uploading a Animation that is made by roblox?

not possible. Unless you can get the animation inside of roblox studio, there is no possible way to re-upload an animation made by roblox.
Edit: I’m not sure, but it might work through inserting it with InsertService.

There is a way to do it and here’s how:

Step 1: Get the BTR chrome extension
Step 2: Find a dance animation that you want, for example, lets do dance monkey

Final step: Copy the animation id, and you’re done!

Could you link the proper extension so people do not download a fake version? Thank you.

You don’t need a chrome extension. look at the URL and copy the ID.

I tried this already… It didn’t work. The NPC just stands still but I didn’t have BTR so that might change something? Could you get me a link?

You don’t need the chrome extension to get it. Here’s the URL of the item: Monkey - Roblox . As you can see, there are numbers, 3716636630, use those to set the animation.

I tried this… It didn’t work. The NPC just stands still and does nothing.

What value did you set? Did you put rbxassetid://3333499508 ?

It was correcting to “rbxassetid://” but its working when I use that link, thanks.

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