Dangerous Models (Bad viruses, and how to avoid them)

Viruses could easily crash your computer.

Here’s an example:

local yas = script.Parent

while true do
    task.wait(0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001) -- bypass max runtime
    yas.Value = math.random(1,math.huge())
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Yep, very dangerous. Could have easily harmed my computer, and something ELSE i was working on in another studio tab.

I have a pretty laggy pc, so when things crash, its overall terrible unless i can turn it off.

The thing is ive learned what all of these do, and i KNOW how to make a decent virus. Of course i never will lol.

But one i listed, the backdoor, thats pretty insane compared to the others.

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1st of all, I like free models, they are a great source of inspiration, sometimes script ideas, sometimes simple thing like a tree, house, NPC, car etc.

They need attention and the scripts must be disabled / analysed / deleted before any use. I use my own NAAP plugin to do this, I uploaded many YT video to show how to use it.

An infected model can’t harm your computer but they may crash / infect your current Roblox project.

The most dangerous source of viruses are the Roblox plugins, be careful with them. They can infect the Roblox environment and you may need to completely reinstall it to clean it up.


Can you pm me a very bad virus? I’m just very curious how you can make one.

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You can’t get an actual computer virus from free models.

Computer viruses are made to spread and infect things. They don’t just sit in a single program and do one specific thing like in ROBLOX Studio.

I don’t think this script will do anything unless you were to run the game you’re working on in ROBLOX/ROBLOX Studio itself.

This topic seems interesting, but it makes it sound like you can get actual malware from inserting free models from the Toolbox. I don’t believe this is the case as I’ve never heard of such a thing happening before, so I’m worried that this will give a false impression.

If you’re worried about free models injecting scripts that can ruin your game, I recommend only inserting models that have a good rating and/or made by trustworthy people.

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I was testing it as i was putting them in the game.

Uhhh, no. I dont think im gonna make a real virus at all.

Yeah, you can’t get actual malware from inserting a script, but a script could crash your computer.

Which in some cases is severe, note that.

Ok it’s fine. I was gonna use it for learning purposes but ok

Look at the ones above. There pretty dangerous.

Especially the backdoor. When somebody opens the script, it somehow injects a different script and opens it. While its a simple process, it could very easily put terrible models in your game with require().

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no I want like actual good ones. Not simply and easily can be detected as a virus, but very hid

Yes, the backdoor one is very hard to get rid of. Thats why you sometimes have to reset your game.

What it COULD DO, is parent it to CoreGUI or any other hidden objects in explorer if not turned on, which then it would be hard to find.

It can’t do it lively in studio unless it’s a virus coming from a plugin, but okay.

I know how people would inject viruses through plugins too, but in pretty smart ways such as opening the ui and pressing a button. One part of the button script would do what it was supposed to. Another would inject a backdoor.