Dark Wolf missing mesh from the back of the hood

When you look at the back part of the item “Dark Wolf” you’ll see that it’s missing its mesh from the hood in the front.

Screenshot 2025-01-27 132120

In the front it shows like that with its two little strips, but view it from the back and it’s just gone.

Screenshot 2025-01-27 132131

It should be viewable from the behind as it shows from the front. It’s the “Dark Wolf” item - Dark Wolf - Roblox

Expected behavior

It’s supposed to be showing the hood strips even if it’s turned around, and it should be fixed.


its shows like papper u know what i mean? u can see only one side. i can tell you this but unfortunately i can not fix that

Maybe you can try to put a structure behind it so that you can see it from both sides

I would do that, but honestly I have no clue how to do much in blender or anything 3D art related.

let me think, I had that in vocational school… but i need a bit time

can you send me the file of your creation? I will try to settle the transparent

You can download the file of the item that’s made by Roblox, I wasn’t the one who made it. Use (I think) BTRoblox and it’ll give you a thing to download it and upload onto blender.

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Okay, I tried to insert the missing one but the app doesn’t cooperate. I took a closer look at the accesuar and noted that this error is not particularly noticeable when wearing it

I asked someone who is familiar with 3D printing, he said that’s normal, there’s not much you can do about it

So we could confirm that if you were to try to remake it completely, that the part of the hood would still be missing. Or, if you tried readding it on as of now, it’ll just be completely not be able to.

Because this is a 3D printing and that from Roblox itself, we can’t re-upload the item itself. Sorry

We’re not reuploading the item, we’re trying to verify that it’s fixable so that the staff can see it as well.

Ah, ok, but I don’t know exactly how to repair it, I had asked someone who is familiar with it and said, "Such errors are normal with 3D models like this there is not much to do, can at most cover it up

So I hope I could help you. I’m sorry if not

So it can be fixed, but I’m going to need someone who can build in 3D to help fix it basically. No worries man, you’ve helped enough as is.

This can be fixed by turning on the DoubleSided property of the mesh.
This is what it looks like with DoubleSided enabled:

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Well, that was pretty easy and quick. Nice, thank you!

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DoubleSided is NOT a good solution for this. Instead of using eight triangles to fill in the holes, you’re spending eight hundred eighteen tris to make a copy of the entire wolf. That’s like paying an extra $20 because you don’t have a spare dime for your groceries.

Do you know a better way to go around this, and able to fix it without doublesided. If so can you send a photo of it, if not I can ask someone who may be able to.

Same as any other hole in geometry. Import into 3D modeling software, fill in holes, and UV map to a fitting part of the texture.

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