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I am well aware of the basic functions of datastore. This post is for creating my own datastore module using a system I’ve thought of. What I am asking is what are the best practices.
Here is how my current system works
JOIN - create a table for them
EDIT - edit their created table
SAVE - save their data when the leave
Current code
-- Get the data
local DatastoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local PlayerData = DatastoreService:GetDataStore("PlayerData")
-- Create a server storage
local serverPlayersStorage = {}
-- add players
local data = PlayerData:GetAsync(plr.UserId)
if not data then
data = {
["plr"] = plr.UserId,
["coins"] = 0
table.insert(serverPlayersStorage, data)
-- find data
local function findData(plr)
for i,data in pairs(serverPlayersStorage) do
if data.plr == plr.UserId then
return data
-- edit data
local function editData(plr, valueName, value)
findData(plr)[valueName] = value
-- Save data
PlayerData:UpdateAsync(plr.UserId, findData(plr))
Anyways so what are the best practices? What am I missing, and more specifically how would I implement these missing things. Code examples help.
If I were you, I would make it so instead of having multiple modules (I am assuming you will make it a module script, if not you should). You should add a function to add another data table like for example it could be a function called “Add Data”.
EX Function:
module.addData function(name)
serverPlayersStorage[tostring(name)] = {}
The module works by determining the data based on a folder located inside the module script. The folder will have attributes that determine both the values and their default values that the module will use. I am not adding a add function to the module script because I want the data to be consistent among all players.
okay so I’ve added caching and Json encoding/decoding and retries:
-- Get the data
local DatastoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local PlayerData = DatastoreService:GetDataStore("PlayerData")
local HttpsService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local serverPlayersData = {}
local cache = {}
local maxRetries = 5
local retryDelay = .5
local function findData(plr)
for i,data in pairs(serverPlayersData) do
if data.plr == plr.UserId then
return data, i
local function findCache(plr)
for i,cache in pairs(cache) do
if cache.plr == plr.UserId then
return cache
-- add players
local data = findCache(plr)
local shouldDecode = true
if not data then
local tries = 0
local success = false
success = pcall(function()
tries = tries + 1
data = PlayerData:GetAsync(plr.UserId)
until success or tries >= maxRetries
if not data then
shouldDecode = false
data = {
["plr"] = plr.UserId,
["coins"] = 0
if shouldDecode then
data = HttpsService:JSONDecode(data)
table.insert(serverPlayersData, data)
-- edit data
local function editData(plr, valueName, value)
findData(plr)[valueName] = value
-- Save data
local function saveData(plr)
local tries = 0
local success = false
local data,index = findData(plr)
local encodedData = HttpsService:JSONEncode(data)
tries = tries + 1
success = pcall(function()
PlayerData:UpdateAsync(plr.UserId, encodedData)
until success or tries >= maxRetries
if findCache(plr) == nil then
table.insert(cache, encodedData)
table.remove(serverPlayersData, index)
if #game.Players:GetPlayers() == 0 then
A lot of top developers use ProfileService. It handles all of the possible edge cases for you, and once its setup, its as easy to use as anything else. I use it for every project now. Definitely check it out.
The big differences are that ProfileService has session locking (data will not be written until other servers have successfully saved the data), data reconciliation (where if you add new data to the data template, existing players will have that added to their data as well), service failure handling (if the datastores are down, it will attempt to manage it for you), etc.
There are a lot of great features most people wouldnt bother to add. It makes it super super unlikely to lose any data, which your players will thank you for.
1. Session locking wastes resources because the only way I can think of this is like using messagingService. Roblox instantly saves your data and I check if the data is outdated before saving anyways so if they notice that their data was lost and leave the game then rejoin it restores their data with mys ystem.
2. Data reconciliation: I already have this in my code where it checks if it will override existing data using Tick()
If you’re looking for an alternative to ProfileService, you could also try out Suphi’s DataStore module:
This datastore implementation helps handle some of the spin-locking nature from ProfileService’s session locking, which is something you may have issues with. There’s more details about the comparison of these modules in this video:
The best practice is to use a DataStore module like ProfileService or Suphi’s. ProfileService is battle-tested and has been used by a number of very popular games. It also addresses all of my concerns below.
Your script doesn’t have autosaving, so if the server crashes, you’ll lose all of your data.
Your script also attempts to fetch the player’s data 5 times, but if that fails, it will just set your data to the default template. When the player leaves the game, if the UpdateAsync call works, they’ve just lost their data.
Session locking is another big issue your script doesn’t address. This is prone to servers fighting over your player data. Which opens you up to dupe vulnerabilities.
There’s also no way for another script to call your edit/save functions since you don’t use a ModuleScript or expose any API to do that.
The function connected to PlayerRemoving function won’t work properly.
if #game.Players:GetPlayers() == 0 then
According to documentation: Fires when a player is about to leave the game
Hence, GetPlayers() will not return an empty table.
Moreover, creating a connection to BindToClose under such weird condition is incorrect. BindToClose will trigger right after the sever is requested to be shut down.
It means, that when you decide to shutdown some server, the BindToClose will not trigger because it’s not yet initialized.
Move it out of PlayerRemoving and loop through the players saving their data.
Then, add a condition in PlayerRemoving to prevent double save.
You’re not checking whether the data has been loaded before saving them.
This is the most frequent cause of data loses so you should definitely make sure you’re handling it properly.
Generally, there’s more to improve, for example indexing directly the result of findData(). What if the data was not found?
Then, your script errors.
If you’re not experienced with creating data store systems, it’s recommended to use a battle-tested module which handles the difficulties for you.
I personally never used one but I had to learn from many mistakes.
if it still errors after 5 attempts, i will kick them and tell the player the game is experiencing issues
to adress crashes, i will add a function for the developers. The developers should call this function during major events like beating a level or buying currency.
for session locking, i will add a lock boolean. Im still thinking about how i would do this without costing resources.