DataStore Data Limit Increase

Doesn’t this mean that we can save more data in 1 datastore? Nice update, anyway.

This is HUGE for My Restaurant. Big thanks to everybody that worked on this.


I can’t believe this update was pushed out this quickly. I’m now awaiting the many other great changes to DataStores, especially atomic operations. Nothing would tickle my fancy more than being able to perform several writes at one go.

This also will allow me to avoid splitting data across multiple DataStores (I use different scopes if I feel that one scope may expand values too largely for data) and I can avoid compression if I’m not going overboard with what kinds of data I’m storing, thus less overhead/worries for me.

I’m going to have a lot of fun with this later.


This is huge! Tons of building games need to split between keys because it’s too small, and now they wouldn’t have to with all this storage space!

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This is a miracle, how can I give thanks to users who made this possible! :eyes::smile:

If I remember it was 256 kibibytes (262144 bytes), so it was wrong to say 260000 was the maximum number of characters.

The new documentation is still incorrect, the maximum is 4 mebibytes (4194304 bytes). For instance you can store a string of 4194301 repeats of the letter a.

I presume the inaccuracy is to give themselves some leeway in lowering the limit for whatever reason.

Will there ever be support for saving binary data? Currently you can only save a valid utf8 strings and control characters except 7F as well as \ and " need to be escaped so they take extra space. Currently I save values using base64, and I mangle strings in a weird way to make them base64 digits which avoids saving \ and ", although it does come at a performance cost (like 90% of time spent encoding/decoding is with strings). This makes a 100 character string becomes 117 characters, but without it, it could be 200 characters after JSON encoding. If there was a way to save binary data I wouldn’t have to mangle strings so it would a lot more efficient and could save a small amount of space too.

4 mebibytes should be far more than enough even without compressing the data, so should I not worry about compressing data and simply store the table? It seems like a better option with the increase in max datastore size, considering the cost (in time) of what I’m doing.


Is that like 4194301 characters of a JSON string? YES WE DO!

That’s really nice thank you whom ever is responsible, I am forever grateful, you literally made my day!

@goldzun Just curious if this change also affects OrderedDataStore?

Combine that with LZW, we have almost infinite data (well we dont), but we have so much it’s almost infinite.


Now I Can Store SO MUCH Data Now Without Being Worried :sunglasses:
Thank You To All People Who Made This Possible!

Amazing!! This is a massive change for my game, and translates to more flexibility for players (larger inventories + more complicated customisation options).

I can’t see any downsides to this. Thanks!!

I NEEDED THIS! THANK YOU! I do not know how to make my data size smaller

This is awesome! This can be very helpful for bigger games and it gives us the opportunity to save data in a more suitable way if needed!

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Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU Roblox! It’s going to be a long time before I worry about save space again.

yay!!! DataStores are forever changed

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Wow! This is an awesome increase! :clap:

The above is correct. I would also like to point out that the limit is in bytes after UTF8 conversion, not in characters. There’s little difference for ASCII characters where each character encodes to one byte, but it’s not necessarily true for characters from other alphabets. Cyrillic characters, for example, encode into two UTF8 bytes thus one can only save 2,097,152 repeats of Cyrillic letter ‘ю’. This was true for the old limit as well.


Hey all,
Awesome to see everyones excited about the release! To answer a few of your questions:

This does not replace Large Object Stores. Keep your eyes peeled for more DataStore upgrades throughout this year! We wanted to release in the intermediary to enable developers to start using this increase now!

You’ll be able to write data at the same speed you were writing before. The six-second cooldown between writes still exists, so make sure to accommodate for that.

OrderedDataStore can only store integer numbers, so this change is not applicable.


Isn’t it weird how Rōblox would allow users to store large chunks of data per field free of charge, yet still have us pay ~300 robux for audio two minutes long - which wouldn’t even come close to 4 MB under most circumstances?

Data stored in data stores doesn’t go through moderation. Audio does and it’s human moderation.


Valid point. Do you have any sources to cite that tells that all audio is moderated by humans? There’s quite a community of users on this platform that share ‘bypassed’ audio clips.

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