Datavoid - Update Logs

DataVoid – Data Management made easy


August 24th, 2019
Version 2.0.1
  • minor adjustments in the empty data retrieving and the plugin is made team create compatable. Instead of the script being named “DATA” it now is called “[DATAVOID] DATA.” if only you is currently in the editor and if 2 people or more are in it it will be called “[DATAVOID] DATA. Summoner: {Your ID}”. aside from this the empty data script now as a small manual on what to do.
April 27th, 2019
Version: 2.0.0
  • this was mainly a huge code polish. The reason behind this one is so it makes it easier for me to create new properties (if needed) for any future updates without the need of putting in too much effort finding pieces of code back.
    If this polish causes for problems at some of you which you’ve never had before with DataVoid, Do let me know. i’ll be happy to fix it.
April 26th, 2019
Version: 1.3.0 (beta)
  • Added the option to select your datamodule the same way as you set an object’s parent. (do keep in mind that the module will get removed after pressing Set Data)
    just click on the input box, click on your module and it’s set as the Datascript that will be used to get/set data. click the red X to clear the box again.

Getting data does not require a module as it still will instanciate one if none is selected.
Setting data DOES require a module, which is in my oppinion pretty obvious.

April 25th, 2019
Version: 1.2.1 (Beta)
  • Ordered datastore expansion (and fixes). you now can get specific data from the Ordered Datastore AND the whole datastore. this is a major update regarding managing your data with ease.
    to use the Get Ordered Data button the Ordered Data switch needs to be on. from here you can manage the data in the Ordered Datastore per key and fully look into it. the usage is still the same as the normal datastore, the only extra option you have here is to view the whole Ordered datastore with its keys and values (orders from low to high. Option to adjust this will come soon if its requested enough)

Version: 1.1.1 (Beta)
  • Minor bug fix regarding setting data. Data of Non-Ordered datastores got set to Ordered datastores by accident after pressing the Set data button. Appologies for this.

  • module error handler. Made a mistake but pressed Set Data already? just modify the module, press the “Reload Script” button in the top bar and you’ll be good to go!
    (scripting errors will remain shown in the output)

Version: 1.1.0 (Beta)
  • Added orderedDatastore option.
    This will allow you to retieve your data from the Ordered datastore. No key is required for getting, only setting a value to the datastore which is done in the same was as a Non-Ordered datastore but with the Ordered Datastore option turned on.
    Read more about Ordered Datastores here .

  • A few bug fixes

How to use DataVoid

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