Day/Night Glitch

Hey everyone,

I am currently working on a game with a friend, but every minute or so the sky goes from day to night. I looked in the lightning property and it goes up by a little every second. I looked at this post (link below) but I don’t have any scripts in the game yet, and haven’t installed any new plugins or updated the plugins. This doesn’t happen on any other places, just the one. So I don’t think it is caused by a script or plugin. Any help will be appreciated as it is annoying to keep going and changing the ClockTime property in the lighting.

How do I stop the day cycle on ROBLOX studio

(also I don’t know if this is the correct spot to put it in, if not please let me know).


It is most likely @Scottifly’s suggestion of it might being one of my friend’s plugin, since he has a lot of plugins, some of which are content deleted. It only happens on that place also. Thank you everyone for your help.


Are you 100% there are no plugins or scripts?
Make sure to check ServerStorage, ServerScriptStorage aswell

As @TheZanderius said, check those items as well as any other folder or section in your workspace. Some dangerous plugins save scripts in odd locations or parts/models in your game.
Your scripts/plugins may be ok, but what about plugins your friend has?

I searched “script” in the explorer, didn’t show any. ServerScriptStorage and ServerStorage are both empty also.

I’ll go check what plugins my friend has.

Good point, I completely missed that.

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But a harmful script is likely not named “script” to keep a search from finding it.

True, but when you search “script” doesn’t it show all scripts regardless of its name? Also, my friend does have a lot of plugins, including two content deleted ones.

No. Try it if you don’t believe me, but the Search only selects the names of items in your Explorer window, so if the name isn’t “Script” it won’t find it.

It shows class name + actual name

Oh, I didn’t know that. Once I get back into Studio I will check.

I don’t see any other scripts

@Orbular3 Yeah that is what I thought happened

Whoops, my bad.
I thought in the past I’d searched for something that way and it didn’t show up.