Debugging is extremely difficult right now due to lots of issues

I have been experiencing a lot of issues for the past few weeks with no progress of it getting resolved in my opinion.

These issues have massively been affecting my workflow and are really frustrating to the point where it starts making me crazy.

One of these issues i have had for the past 6 years and one has been happening since the past 2 weeks.

The first is the cleanup button does not work and the player and server windows never go away.
This makes me have to try and search for the right test server and player windows constantly and having to manually close all of them which is very time consuming when you have to playtest 2 players or more.

The second issue is the widgets keep resetting to default when opening studio.
A lot of people have been talking about this already but i haven’t actually seen any progress on this despite it being very impactful to a lot of people their workflows including mine.

Everytime i am trying to debug some issue i have no clue whether its occurred yet as the output is never opened.
Everytime studio opens i have to manually open the output and other windows, move them to the right place, resize them and do that for each server and player window.

This takes up so much time that i spent entire days just debugging due to the time lost.

I hope these issues can be resolved as soon as possible as its a massive impact in my opinion.

Expected behavior

Widgets to save and open correctly based off of the previous location.

Studio to close the server and player windows correctly when using the cleanup button or pressing the X button on the server window.


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


I’ve found out the windows not saving correctly has to do with this setting being disabled.

I did not want to have any plugins active in studio while testing to prevent long loading times due to the amount of plugins i have but it seems it also disables roblox their default windows.

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what is this instance? I want to disable it for me because my widgets are being hidden and messes up my layout

Studio settings – Studio – scroll all the way down.

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Hi there, we’re working on a fix of the windowing issues during test with that setting off. You are correct turning this setting on is the workaround for now.

For the cleanup button, we’ve rolled out a couple changes in the past month to fix a bunch of those issues (specifically the cleanup button not working from “child” instances).

Can you post specific repro steps for when the cleanup button fails for you?

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It seems the cleanup button works at this time when i started a fresh studio instance, but it could still be broken as i still experienced it yesterday.

I will work on getting the steps to reproduce the issue in a bit, i dont have time to do so at this moment.

I believe this is the same issue i have been experiencing since about 5/6 years ago.
It has to do with pressing the x button on the server window and it completely breaking the cleanup button permanently, if i remember correctly.

For now you could try the steps from this post i made back then as the issue looks identical to me so it might just be the same issue.

Sorry for the long delay, i totally forgot i had to work on the repro steps because a lot was going on at that time.

The video showcases the steps to replicate the issue.

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This bug happens to me too and I find it very annoying and it always interrupts what I was currently doing

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Hi there!
I was wondering if there is an update on this.

I happened to find a way easier method of replicating this issue.

  1. Launch a local test server.
  2. As soon as you clicked the launch button, spam click the cleanup button and it breaks forever.