Decal Placement System

I wanted to know what other devs think of this idea. I was looking through some speed leveling inside UE4 and Unity and I noticed that there is this feature for decal placement which deforms the decal to fit the surface. So I thought to myself: “Hey that’s cool I’ll try replicating that.” And so I booted up studio and got to work. Here are my results:

I have plans to release this as a free developer resource likely in the form of a plugin later on. Nonetheless I’d love to hear what you think of this! And if you have any ideas or any of that sort then be sure to let me know. : )


This is great! i am thinking it would be great for a projector design

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I wanted a system like this long ago but found an admin’s post on a topic showing they had it working, but they wouldn’t add it cause the cost of transparency on mobile killed the framerate.
I think this would be really cool to see open sourced or in a plugin and has a lot of uses. Great job!

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This is a great thing…It would make lot more possiblities for developers to make cooler games i hope you make it as a plugin


Would be great for extra detail on things or when making textures for objects, would love to see where it goes and play around with it if you do release it


I’d say to release this as a paid plugin, you could earn quite a bit from this plugin. Overall, it seems very useful!


I probably would if I could. I’m not quite sure how the whole paid plugin system works and as far as I’m aware only a selected few can create them. I’d love to be proven wrong though!

I think you’ve just proven me wrong.

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Did you achieve this with mesh deformation?

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Bingo. I was originally going to try and make it with beams instead but that didn’t go very well in the end. I then turned to skinned meshes when I recalled some knowledge I had of them.

This looks fantastic, could really help people with designing.

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