Decal thumbnails being cropped to circles

I’ve been having issues with thumbnails for decals recently. One of which already has a bug post here that has been left unresolved: Roblox image asset previews are broken

Now I am having a new issue. At first, I thought these were circle artifacts, but I have now determined the actual thumbnails are being cropped to circles. These were square images and do not contain transparency. Example:

It has a circle around it as if it were a badge but it’s a decal.
Link to asset: Brown Shoes - Roblox

I don’t have repro steps because this seems to have happened randomly while uploading from the Roblox website. Only one out of a group of decals had this artifact.

Edit It happened to two more images.

The thumbnails are getting cropped to circles despite being solid white into the corners (and mostly square). You can see this effect here in this post too.

Another update: Randomly some of my older decals have been cropped to circles when fetching their thumbnail from the website.

If this is supposed to be a new feature, I am very unhappy with this update. I need these square thumbnails as I load them into my game to show item previews. Thumbnails are fast loading and offer a lightweight way for me to display items that players purchase in game.


Have various items where, despite being proper squares months ago, the small inventory thumbnail for them was changed to a circle. Viewing those items on their specific pages still displays them as the proper squares, but it’s confusing that the smaller thumbnails changed after so long.

SeeingDoubleTXV2 - Roblox
AggressiveAntTX - Roblox
RaspberryTX - Roblox


I have procured similar results to Mimi when uploading decals of my own, in that images become cropped from squares to circles. Interestingly however, my case somewhat differs as the image only portrays itself as circular when viewed independently, and will appear square on the develop page & inventory.


I’ve had it both ways. The thumbnail will be fine but the decal is cropped, or the other way around or both. I’ve also had the fetched thumbnail in game work but be wrong on the site, or the site be fine and the fetched version be wrong. The teal hair in my first post is an example of that.

Edit: As another example, this hair decal is cropped in game but nowhere on the site: Midnight - Roblox

I get a circle completely at random regardless of the size I request from!/Assets/get_v1_assets, but it is very frequent.

This seems as widespread as the issue with decal thumbnails being random memory garbage. I don’t think they’re related issues, but it would be pretty funny (e.g. memory corruption, but seems unlikely).

Since there have likely been no releases due to the holidays, for this to spontaneously break suggests some arcane nonsense on par with cache issues and other things that tend to expire at bad times. Maybe something expired / automatically updated / booted on a new machine / etc?

Some things I’ve tried with the above endpoint include:

  • Different sizes.
    • No effect, get a circle randomly, sized appropriately.
    • In contrast to below, on a non-square size I can still get a circle, simply placed in the middle of the rectangle. Some sizes generate faster than others, so I assume it uses another already-generated thumbnail and simply puts it in the middle of the image.
  • Setting isCircular to true.
    • Get circles consistently as usual, get HTTP 400 when asking for a non-square size.
  • Testing old and newly uploaded decals.
    • Issue still happens for new thumbnails generated.
  • Checking machine ID.
    • There does not seem to be a trend with certain machine IDs always giving a circle incorrectly.

Edit: I might be seeing a pattern with images with transparent pixels. They don’t seem to become circular (so far as I’ve tested), and do squash to fill weird sizes when I request them. The other images did not squash to fill weird sizes when the circle issue happened, the circle was simply scaled and placed in the middle of the image (when the circle issue did not happen though, the image squashed as normal).


Is it possible Roblox is changing how certain items in the Library are being displayed? It seems a lot of users here are detesting this and I can’t blame them. It cuts off a lot of the actual image.

Thank you for reporting this issue. We’ve identified the root cause and will be providing a long term fix for this soon. In the meantime we’ve taken steps to ensure the bug does not affect future decals. We’ll be purging the circular Decal thumbnails from our CDN and you should be able to see them as squares again once we are done purging affected decals.

If anyone else has seen the same issue with their decals please post links to the Decals in this thread so we can purge those from the CDN too. Unfortunately it is almost impossible for us to identify on the backend which decals were affected by this.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


@Mimi_Dev I’ve purged the PurpleToBubblegum, Ballet Green Slippers and Ballet Lavender thumbnails. They’ve been regenerated to be square images. Please link any other Decals you noticed as circular and I’ll purge them from our CDN so they can be regenerated.



Here are the ones I can find. A few only show up cropped when fetched in game.

I made a list of some corrupted images in the “Incorrect asset previews” thread:

Whatever steps were taken to ensure it doesn’t affect future decals, have not worked. One of the decals I just uploaded today was cropped to a circle: choco swirl icecream - Roblox

Edit: More than one…


Hi @Mimi_Dev we deployed the long term fix for this yesterday. Unfortunately it seems our short term fix was not 100% effective. I’ll clear our CDN cache for these thumbnails and they should be regenerated correctly. Sorry for the inconvenience.


In my inventory, two decals appear cropped to circles. This is probably related…
Here is an image of what I mean
glitch example3