Dedicated Category for Recap Announcements

Many Roblox developers across most engagement levels (from hobbyists to professionals) have long struggled to keep up to date with what changes are being made to the platform/engine/studio as they get announced.

I feel that the new “weekly recap” posts that have premiered this week are an excellent step towards solving this information disconnect - allowing for developers to both get a quick summary of the changes that have occurred over a timespan (as has been possible with the Luau Recap posts for a while now) and to easily ensure that they haven’t missed anything they might want to know about.

I believe, however, that these types of posts should be located in their distinct category, rather than in the primary #updates:announcements one. There are a few reasons for this:

  • Some developers may benefit from these types of posts more heavily if they can set a category-specific notification priority, allowing them to more effectively get notified of the changes that matter to them. The creation of a dedicated category would enable this as an option.

  • A portion of developers may want to see ‘recap’ -style posts, but not wish to get notified for every single announced change. The creation of a dedicated category would allow them to do so.

  • Those who are returning to developing after a while often find themselves struggling to catch up on what has changed since they last developed. The creation of a dedicated category would streamline the process of learning what changes have been made by providing an easy way to view recap posts without having to sort through many other posts to find them.

Overall, I feel that the creation of a separate category outside of the standard #updates:announcements category would improve the reach throughout the developer community of Roblox’s communication about changes being made, thereby reducing developer confusion and irritation.


Thanks for the feedback, we’ve been talking internally about organizing our announcements in a different way to make it easier to stay updated. Nothing concrete to share at this point, but the teams involved with announcements are definitely thinking about it.


It has been a while since this feature request was made and what has been changed was adding a tag for the announcements category called #weekly-recap, which doesn’t solve anything as you can still receive notifications from #updates:announcements.

I like that they made this recap so users can be aware about what are the new features from the platform, but I don’t think it is a good idea to store in this category… Either create another one or use #updates:community, since it sounds more relatable and it fits better IMO (in my opinion).


You should be able to watch/mute tags and categories as desired to either get updated just for weekly recaps, or for anything but weekly recaps, as desired.


I guess that’s an oopsie on my part, never knew there was a way to mute tags. That solves one problem, there’s still another though.

The most recent recap does not have this tag. In-fact, a few others (that were made after the tag was) don’t have the tag. For some reason they have the tag but it doesn’t show upon clicking on them:

The tag seems to show up next to the category inconsistently. The tag does not appear at the top of the page, only when you scroll down. This makes it a little annoying when attempting to click the tag instead of search it, minor issue, but still relevant.