Default R15 Player Animations Now Include Strafing and Backpedaling [Beta]

Same, cant get it to save at all

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I really like how the legs and body move with this feature enabled, but is it intentional that the character looks at the ground while running?

It’s less noticeable when walking, but still present:

Sometimes the head also jitters side to side in a very strange way:
Bit hard to see in this gif, but if you walk forward and look at your character’s face you can see what I mean.


This is probably due to animation blend dithering.

@BloxMachina this issue still exists, despite being reported ~2 months ago. Should I file a bug report instead of bringing it up here as this is no longer a beta feature?

Thanks for your feedback!
What’s likely happening here is simply poor communication on our part. The UseStrafingAnimations property is only relevant server-side, and is not replicated to clients…
There’s a good chance that strafing is actually active in your game but the property shows up as “Off” in the client view.
You might want to check the value by switching to server view.
We’re looking at ways to make this less confusing.

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What are you talking about? Why should we check strafing on the server if the result is visible on the client? The feature just doesn’t work right UseStrafingAnimations not working

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Since UseStrafingAnimations is not scriptable if it doesn’t save when ticked in Studio there’s no way to enable it.

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appreciate the script however I’ve been stuck on an issue and wondering if someone can assist:

I’ve been trying to change some variables to accomodate my current place’s walkspeed ranges as the current script doesn’t act how I want it to

local baseRunSpeed = 16 / 1.25
local baseWalkSpeed = 8 / 1.25

I’ve altered the above and come up with buggy results, where walk animation is seen however when sprinting, the body becomes stiff (t-pose like)

I really want to change it because when my character is normal walking I don’t want the head tilted at all like it is in the running animation, however when actually running I am totally fine with it

here are my ranges of walkspeed for more context:

anything less than 14 or = should trigger walking anim
maximum walking-walkspeed: 14

anything greater than 14 should trigger running anim
running walkspeed maximum: 22

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When you publish a place file with Players.UseStrafingAnimations set to true and then play that game, do you get strafing behavior when shift lock is set? What about when you bring the game back into studio?

As mentioned before, the client version of the property current does not reflect the server version of the property, however this should have no impact on gameplay. We are looking into changing this behavior.

It’s really easy to see that it’s not working:

  • open a new project
  • tick Players.UserStrafingAnimations in studio and save
  • play in studio and see that strafing animation is working in studio
  • publish and see that the game doesn’t have strafing animations when played on
  • close studio and restart
  • see that Players.UserStrafingAnimations is no longer ticked

It’s nothing to do with whether it’s set on client or server.

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It seems to be working fine now :thinking:

Same thing here just today when I tried this feature I was faced with the exact same issue your describing. :thinking:

Thanks for you feedback!
All of the floating issues with the exception of straight backward walk should be addressed in the latest asset push. (Backward walk will be patched up in the next day or so.)


We have not been able to reproduce these results to this point but are continuing to look into the issue.

What happened to the realistic animations? They’re very cartoony now and don’t fit my game anymore.


Thanks for your feedback!
This is a top priority for us right now, is it possible you were testing with a character than had non-default run or walk selected?

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This specifically occurs on places where team-create is enabled, this makes using team-create impossible when this setting is enabled

Thankyou for your feedback!
This is a crucial piece of information and we can now reproduce the behavior.

Note that as a stop-gap solution, one can always re-set UseStrafingAnimations prior to re-publishing to get proper behavior in the game. Obviously this is a suboptimal workflow and we are working on making the property setting “stick” better.

Yes, it was with a character that had non-default run and walk that was set from Roblox avatar.

@BloxMachina just wish to make you aware that the forwards, forwards-left and forwards-right strafing animations have recently just broke (feet no longer move correctly + head becomes jittery). Can this change be reverted?