Default to fullscreen

The first thing I do whenever I join a place is press esc and enable fullscreen. I don’t like needing to do this. Fullscreen should be the default. Is there a way to set this as the default manually?

I think rather you should suggest for the option to set it as default, but not have it as the new default.


I do actually prefer to have it not in full screen, as I haven’t even gone into Roblox in full screen within past few years because I like having easy access to programs like Skype.
I thought that Roblox remembered the last setting you had it as like screen size, but I doubt this is the case.

I prefer playing roblox is small screens and never in full screen. thats why I hate build mode

I think this should just happen if it’s the last thing you did.

For instance, if I have Chrome maximized and then close it, it will open back up as maximized next time. Same if it’s not maximized. Similarly, if you exit the ROBLOX client in full-screen, it should remember that and open back up in full-screen next time.

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I just press F11. :frowning: