Deflector Guardian

Deflector Guardian


Need your game’s code reviewed? Need to see if you can trust a certain developer and ensure their code can’t do anything malicious?

Send your requests and inquiries to Deflector Guardian!

We’ll help ensure every script you provide, be it in your game or just a single script provided, will be thoroughly examined. If there’s any issues that may arise, we’ll give you a through description and help you understand what script(s) may be considered malicious or could be made to be used maliciously to harm your game, players, and most of all, your communities.

What are you for?

There are lots of game creators that need help understanding what their code does, and they outright might not have the resources, patience, or funds to be able to ensure the code they’ve been provided are safe from malicious use, be it intentional scripts designed to let the developer have access to your game after being removed from your developer team, scripts that are poorly optimized to reduce their games server performance, or code that could be done another way to be more secure from attack vectors. We can help you keep your community, game, group, and keep it safe.

Our services at this time are provided for FREE as long as you provide credit. Every creator at any time, regardless of their knowledge of coding, should be able to build a game to work the way they want it to. If you would like to request for service, send me a direct message.


We’ve helped these following games get independently reviewed

and even helped several of them from the discovered vulnerabilities that were found and issues that could cause their game to have undesired results.

Desoto High School

Madison University

Bloxton University

Honey Creek Middle School


Safe Server Moderation


And even more

We can help you with whatever level of knowledge you have, whatever it be knowing how to script to not understanding how scripts operate. Send me a direct message and we can start working on getting your game independently reviewed!

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