Deformed MeshParts do not update CFrame/Position with each frame of animation


I’ve recently encountered an issue with the Mesh deformation animations that I use for NPC characters. Basically, the position/CFrame of parts do not update correctly nor match where they are on the animation. It seems the CFrame of any part is frozen in place during an animation. Example in the video below:

Monster Testing Area - Roblox Studio (

The highlighted part is the left back foot of the monster, but it’s position does not correspond correctly with the movement of the foot in the animation.

If anyone has any ideas what may be the cause or what can be done to resolve the issue, please let me know.

Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

That’s because mesh deformation doesn’t affect the physical hitboxes. I would just manually cframe the hitboxes to the bone, like shown in this post Skinned MeshParts are live! - #202 by RobieTheCat

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I would just manually cframe the hitboxes to the bone

This sounds like a good approach, thank you! I will try this and report back how it works out.