Delete Game/Place Option on Place Edit Dropdown

Archiving is meant (historically) to save games that are worth saving in the first place. If you have a ton of filler places that don’t do anything for you and take up needless space, logically it makes sense to get rid of it.


And what would they do if your account was infiltrated, someone let’s say deletes your game permanently. (Just an example) What would that person do to restore their game back?


If your account was hacked because you decided to compromise your account and a game gets deleted, that would be the users fault. Therefore, that person is at a loss on their own accord & time heals all wounds.


Not necessarily, not always the case.


I’d willingly say on record that majority of the people who’ve lost accounts did so on the pretense of free. Meaning that they were offered something and took it because they felt the risk wasn’t there. If you really cared about your places, you could save a local copy on your machine & that would solve a lot of issues in terms being fearful.


I cannot, in good faith, support any options to delete content from profiles as of right now. There simply exists too many flaws in Roblox’s security and support is equally as flawed due to the ability to socially engineer an account breach as well as their general uncooperativeness towards your inquiries.

Roblox needs to tackle basic security features before they start thinking about expanding our options for control over our assets. Developers’ livelihoods and such are at stake with the lack of security and “it’s the user’s fault if they get breached” is just not adequate enough to justify pulling forward with this feature anyway while ignoring the platform’s blatant security flaws and utterly useless support line.


Again, I’d love to point out that you could always save your place locally. Deleting a place is meant to specifically clean up old places that are no longer relevant on your profile.

I’m not sure where you got:

Because it would be almost identical to how it is now. I’d also love to point out that unless you’re incredibly naive and trust people, your account will be fine. This seems like an overreaction to something relatively simple.

Support will always be utterly useless because it’s outsourced. You can’t scale a supports system correctly to account for the amount of requests gained per day, week, etc.

Security flaws are mainly due to people clicking bad links, putting code into their console, clicking bad files, etc. If you don’t do any of that, you’ll be fine.

As for that link you referenced, it seems rather irrelevant because it would be almost the exact same as it is now. Plus, again… the key to that problem is a local backup.

It has gotten so bad that I have to use a separate account just to develop now because my old one has way too many places in it to keep my sanity. Idk what world you live in where that would be remotely considered good UX. Across any platform besides this one, you can delete stuff. The justifications of your response is blaming security you don’t understand and using points that exist everywhere else.


I’d like to start off by with the following statement: @colbert2677’s points are all valid.

You clearly don’t understand the value of an old game; simply “saving to a local file” won’t fix all problems associated with game deletion. Things affected by game deletion that cannot be solved by “loading a local file” include:

  • Place visits accumulated over a game’s existence. These can be hallmark achievements when you reach million of visits that can be hard to recover. It establishes that a game is both popular and legitimate. This is also true for likes and favorites.
  • You loose that date of creation that can’t be changed no matter what. A truly, truly old game won’t be made in 2020. You lose some authenticity.
  • New links and new games mean previous ways of accessing the old game such as through favorites or badges are out the door. You’re going to start fresh. Game discoverability will be down.

Legitimacy: Say goodbye.

Really, I haven’t covered every aspect that comes with deleting an old place and re-uploading it as if nothing happened.


Saving a local file seems to work with Rojo and has worked for a multitude of developers including me. There was a time where team create wouldn’t save and the only viable option was to locally save place files. Also, I don’t appreciate the jab this message holds.

This point is entirely based on the fact that you’ll lose access to your account. I feel like I’ve already covered this so, I won’t make a statement here.

I don’t think I’ve ever cared about the date a place was created unless someone was stealing it. Even then, the rules on this platform are so sub-par that even if dates were compares any small changes to the newer game would be seen as a completely different game. In addition, most games are blatant copies of already popular games and haven’t been taken down yet so, that’s cool.

If you care about the game so much, don’t delete it. You seem to be assuming that I want to delete every game. If I want to delete a game, it’s my choice and my own preference.

Talking to people on Roblox vs. the real world where this makes perfect sense makes me feel like either a bunch of inexperienced people are responding or you don’t know what account security really means. In almost all instances, if your account is breached, it is your fault. You willingly clicked a link. You willingly clicked for free robux, free premium or you willingly gave out your account details to someone or some site you seemingly trusted.

You can’t sit here and blame Roblox for all your issues when it’s ultimately the player’s or developer’s fault. Very rare cases exist where it would be Roblox’s fault but, those cases require those with a load more experience than the common user on this platform.

Simply put, I have a load of places that cause clutter and pain. I want them to be removed. Not because I’m scared that I jeopardized my own account but, because I see it as needless clutter and a waste of space. I shouldn’t have to suffer because other people make bad decisions.


What happens if someone from the Adopt Me team, or any other top page games account got accessed? Having a weak password isn’t the only way to get your account hacked, and people can access accounts with knowing your password or needing to do 2 step verification. Just archive the place. It doesn’t appear anywhere that would get in the way, so I don’t see why you’d be against it.

Also, stuff uploaded to the game via the asset manager do not save locally. Data stores do not save locally. Anyones computer could decide to die at any moment. Saving something locally isn’t something one should do ‘incase their account gets hacked and someone deletes their game’


Alright cool. 2FA prompt (or pin) before you click the delete button fixes that problem.

I don’t think it’s fair to assume Roblox’s security is lacking. Simply put, you haven’t seen the codebase; i.e the internals of how their system works. This is based on all of the cases that have happened where an account was hacked which almost with certainty was the user’s fault. In hindsight, it is kinda silly to overreact about. The account I’m on as of this current moment has never been breached in almost a decade since it was created. There are older accounts on this platform that can probably say the same.

Meanwhile, you’re on a tangent over account security & roblox’s security when people who’re naive are the ones you’re specifically referencing to.

There’s this weird notion among novice developers that account security & account breaches are the platforms fault. In almost every case besides the ones out of their control (third-party software used on the site (funcapatcha, etc)), losing access to your account is and will always be the users fault. Therefore, when you attribute the basis of your argument to “oh, account security sucks” when you don’t know how Roblox’s security works internally & you’re basing this off of people who willingly lost access to their accounts, what seemingly looks like a decent response turns into one that is baseless & is what I attribute to an overreaction.

I think it’s perfectly fine to be dismissive and ignorant of other people’s views when the main basis of their argument against this is account security related. If a user loses their account because they trust someone on the internet (whom in many cases do not share anything outside virtual contact) then, that’s on them. I, as a user on the platform, shouldn’t have to pay the price for their mistake nor should I care for that matter. Because if it was a flipped scenario and I lost my account, I wouldn’t want anyone to care nor would they.

People approach things different, sure but, you have to draw the line where common sense dictates as feasible. You can’t set the bar so low to the point where features are mocked simply over a niche amount of users losing their accounts to their own doing. That isn’t fair nor what this post is about.

Considering that there’s more than just you on this platform. I don’t care if you like the suggestion or not. I dislike that the basis of your arguments don’t hold any value and people are liking it because you’re a community editor and not many people know the actual basis of account security. Most people are so used to blaming Roblox and not taking ownership of their own mistakes which ironically, is what your response (both for that matter) highlight.

The range of “easy” per-say is making smart enough decisions to not jeopardize your account in the first place. Like I’ve stated above, I’ve been able to have the same account for almost a decade with zero account breach issues because I wasn’t naive enough to click things that I knew & were blatantly malicious. Also stated above, I can probably infer that a lot of veteran users can say the same.

Ironically, this doesn’t solve the base core issue that I am addressing. You’re simply using “archive” as a way to mitigate the problem and shift places to another place that will become equally as cluttered.

I do not appreciate 6 pages worth of places when I have to also navigate through it on a weekly basis. I have to make sure names do not conflict with old places I forgot about. I have to make sure that I am not overwriting a place that is old but, forgot about.

As of writing this, I can’t actually see the timestamp of any of my games in studio before I click it so, I have no point of reference other than a name which prompts me to click the place, look at its contents and repeat the same steps for n amount.

If you in good faith think this is perfectly acceptable, I’m starting to question if you know what you’re saying or if you realize how bad this user experience is to almost every user who starts to accumulate places on their profile.


I’m going to go ahead and assume that top teams aren’t that naive. Especially given that Adopt Me (one of your examples listed) is comprised of experienced and veteran users on this platform. I’d hope that if you planned to make a living off of the platform, you’d be more on-top of your account than the average user per-say given that it is your main source of income.

The method you’re referring to is known as “Cookie Stealing” and is in almost every case the user’s fault. The user (original owner of the account) has to login with valid key-value pair before a cookie is received in the first place. This doubles down to the original point I made about this being the original user’s fault.

Archiving only mitigates the problem that my thread is specifically targeting. That is equivalent to duck taping a wing to an aircraft and expecting it to hold. Archiving only puts the issue in a difference place which will eventually catch up to you. With that being said, I disagree in that being a solution.

Assets can be saved locally as models on your machine if that’s what you’re referring to as an asset. Truthfully, an asset is quite ambiguous so, I can’t provide a definitive response.

As for datastores, you can (in theory; and in practice) transfer datastore data to an external database and have backups. Actually, I would more-so have more faith in an external database than I would with datastores due to the limited nature. I think most games these days (top ones you’re referring to) store long term data on an external database.

This is definitely something one should do. I’ve had numerous issues with this philosophy and lost hours of work due to saving on the cloud being unreliable. Rojo, a tool used by most top games, exercises the practice of saving places being worked on locally before being published to the site (automatic or manual). You shouldn’t save your game because you fear of being hacked. You should save your game locally because you value your work and the time spent.


I still disagree with your point. Your problem can easily be solved with Archiving, that’s why it’s there. The idea of completely deleting and wiping something from existence is terrible.

You do realise countless devs, some of which have huge followings have had accounts be compromised? You can’t just go “it’s your fault, as punishment your game gets deleted” that’s a terrible philosophy. That’s like your parents being killed in a plane crash and someone saying “it’s their fault they were in the plane”

How will it catch up to you? Once you archive something, you’re rarely gonna go back looking through archives. Everything I’ve archived I haven’t seen since it’s been archived. Had no problems with it.

Bold of you to assume that developers all store their data offsite. Roblox has a DataStore service built in, and it works well for 99% of developers. Big games can afford off site data stores and can manage them. Small users, like myself cannot. No small dev is gonna fork out the money for offsite data storing when Roblox provides it to us for free. I shouldn’t have to fork out money, as well as manage a seperate site with data just in case my game gets deleted.

I do save my games locally once in a while. But I’m not gonna save locally and then publish to place every single time I want to make updates.

You sum up, I still see 0 reason for this to be implemented, or to even have the thought of this being implemented. Archive places you don’t use anymore, and you will never see them again, unless you are deliberately looking through your archives, which is your own fault. Simply don’t look through the archives


A trash can would help for this. Deleted places will be in a trash can for (for example) 30 days and you won’t be able to permanently delete them from there (they will automatically delete after 30 days).

In addition to that, places could be kept for a short period when permanently deleted from the trash can, so Roblox Support can manually restore them in case the account was hacked.


Most places are stored in the cloud before being published. A backup version (30 day period) wouldn’t be too far off. This is a neat suggestion.

However, I still think that deleting a game is usually the developer’s choice but, since we have to account for people that are indecisive, perhaps a five day period would be better. 30 days seems like far too much.

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It’s needed to restore the damage in the worst case the account of a developer was hacked. Lets be happy to have an option to delete places, and lets not worry too much about the backup period.

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I agree with you on that. I’d be elated to have the option to remove places so, I can remove a decade worth of clutter.

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When you archive a place, you remove clutter from one central place to another one. I do not understand how that is remotely a viable solution. If I want to archive a place, I’ll do so because the place has value. If it doesn’t have value, I have every right to remove it.

This is very niche because, more experienced programmings (those with knowledge of how to hack), go for those that have a higher standing on the platform. This is known and consistent across almost every platform. Twitter, for example, you’ll see a celebrity get hacked vs. a normal user. So, I’m not sure if that’s valid point to make when it happens virtually everywhere else.

If you’re in a plane (& you don’t pilot the plane), it gets hijacked and then, it crashes, it would be the airlines fault and not entirely the people hijacking because there are safeguards that you can place on a plane that prevents hijacks from happening. Same can be applied to your account. If you choose to not click links and to not exercise awareness, there’s very little a corporation can do when you lose access to your account.

If you have 20 places and you archive them all, you just moved 20 places of clutter to a different spot which if continued will definitely catch up to you.

If big games aren’t using an external database where they have more control and can backup their data with certainty then, they’re more at a loss than they realize. Having a datastore service integrated is cool when it works. Otherwise, the safer route will always be an external database.

I’m not saying you should fork out money because, again, that’s up to you.

If you want an actual workflow that the industry uses, it would be to QA whenever possible. If you push work directly to your main game without testing, you’re taking such a huge risk and the game will not feel polished at all.

I’ve been on this planet for a while but, I’ve never heard this being logical in my entire life. I rather not have two places cluttered when I can get rid of the problem forever by having the ability to delete my game.


Archiving is the solution to this; it was released to be the solution to the problems not being able to delete games created.

The archive is meant as a place to dump everything you’re unlikely to ever use ever again. It’s up to you to decide how to use your archive ultimately, but the intention is that you put everything that is not useful to you into the archive so it never gets in your way, and in a crisis you can fetch it back at any time.

Roblox is a platform with a userbase that is predominately very young, and with issues that have in the past lead to social engineering against Roblox support defeating 2FA, poor password security letting attackers into high-profile developers’ accounts, and phishing attempts tricking users into sharing secret keys and tokens that allow attackers to steal their items.

It is not possible in good conscience to provide the ability to permanently delete places (even with a 30-day delay before they are wiped, since an attacker might just lock you out, and support has such a long turnaround time that you are likely to run out of time before they can help you). Given the platform’s demographic, history, and its current issues, this is simply a bad idea.

Use your archive as a trash bin. This is effectively the purpose of it.

You should clearly state your problems with archiving, and how it does not satisfy your needs. No hypothetical “it will eventually get in my way”; that is not an argument that justifies your feature request. All of the arguing in this thread does not make a motivation to do this clear to engineering.


I can’t believe that the standards are so low that we need to use an archive as some sort of psuedo-trash bin. More so, archiving places doesn’t actually scale so, I’m against using a psuedo-trashbin.

Archive, from a historical standpoint, is meant to save things that you have the intention of saving not remove places out of view for the sake of clarity. This is a poor (& almost misleading) intention if this is truly the case.

Again, I do not think that a niche group of people who’ve lost their accounts on their own accord should be the base argument against this feature. Almost every platform that shares some similarity (instagram, facebook, etc) has way to archive & delete posts. They also have a variety of users and have the same issues that Roblox has. If all these platforms can do it, it’s safe to say that Roblox could.

This falls short in the context of a user who has never been attacked. I’m literally, in all seriousness, suffering because of the ignorance of a niche group of people on the platform. That should never be part of an engineering decision especially when control over the account falls under the user and not myself nor the company the account lives on.

Only on Roblox can you find that an archive has now been repurposed to a trash-bin. lol

Simply put, it takes the clutter in one place and transfers it over to another. Now, instead of using an archive like it’s supposed to be used, I have two places that are cluttered and I’m better off making a new account so that I have less clutter. Even though, I could eliminate all my problems by remove the place that I intend to remove and keep my normal account. If you have to make a new account to avoid this, that’s a clear and blatant sign that this is bad UX.

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