Deprecating Legacy CSG System

I do hope that V2 will not be deprecated as the way V3 affects the colour of parts when negating is not something that is useful to me, but rather makes it impossible to use V3.
V3 affects the colour of models, and using decals leaves a pixelated and often rotated texture. Having physical parts of the colour I desire them to be is a useful feature of V2 and if V3 could have a setting to toggle negative parts affecting colour of parts then I would be more likely to switch over.

However I just generally find V2 is more stable, and V3 has a big issue (atleast in the few tries I had of it before realising I was forced upon the beta feature without knowledge) of unions becoming corrupt and becoming unsynced to their union id (the bug where the union becomes invisible, inseparable and generally broken, an issue V2 once had many years ago)

However, as I have not tried myself due to the two issues mentioned of V3, does V3 solve the issue with more complex unions freezing studio without actually processing the union? in some complex V2 unions I have experienced studio consistently freeze with no amount of waiting solving anything. It would make sense if the union took a long time but outright failing to process the complex model isn’t something I would’ve expected.

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Could you post some photos of this “color” behavior you’re talking about? I’m not sure I understand it fully, but if you mean negative parts impacting the color of the union you’re making, you can just recolor the negative parts.

As for the union corruption, that must be fixed before V3 launches, no questions asked. I got so sick of that when it was affecting CSGV1, and I’m going to be extremely unhappy if that bug happens again after V1’s removal…

but I shouldn’t have to recolour the negative parts, they shouldn’t affect the part colour anyway?

They affect the part color because it allows more to be done with unions to begin with. You can get the same result with very little work if you just recolor the negative part. If CSGV3 shipped without the color baking, it would ruin any builds that used color baking because it would therefore be impossible to do.

You have both options under V3. If you set UsePartColor to true the part will be left with a single color exactly equal to the Color property. In my experience this covers all situations nicely.


V2 will also be deprecated. I don’t have a precise timeframe to announce but V2 deprecation will happen.

@BritishTrainspotting Could that suggestion be a solution to your problem?

The bug that made unions become invisible is not specific to any CSG engine and should have been definitely fixed. If you have any more occurrences of that, please share the model with us so that we can investigate.

Although it is less currently slightly less stable than V2 (but we’re working on making it as robust), V3 is more performant and I have not experienced yet a case of a V3 union that would freeze Studio. If you have any performance or stability issue, please share them with us here: Studio Beta: CSG Has a New Engine - Vroom, Vroom, Vroom!

if V2 will be deprecated, will V3 have the same negation operation as V3 where it doesn’t mess with the colours at all?

except I don’t want a single colour, I already have multiple coloured parts that all I need to do is to cut into them to reshape them, without the negative part recolouring them, which just ruins my modelling.

Simply color the negative part to be the right color for wherever you’re cutting.

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This issue with parts going invisible - it couldn’t also affect meshes could it (as I’m having that issue at the moment when playing my game)?

This would be a different issue definitely.

I understand there may not be an easy way to workaround this issue for your methodology. We will take that into account. Please post in CSG V3 post so that we can track that issue there. Thank you

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Where do I post? Which category is “CSG V3” in? can you please link it to me?

The main announcement post: Studio Beta: CSG Has a New Engine - Vroom, Vroom, Vroom!

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Let’s assume you have a multi-colored (or multi-coloured) union that you want to cut out of.


However, you don’t want to just use a NegativePart, because that would result in the cut-out portion becoming all the same color:


You need to separate the colors out and make cutters out of each of them:

Then you can union them back together and then negate to make your cutter:


Voila! Complex cutters are possible:

Someone could definitely make a plugin that automates this.

this is extremely tedious and should NOT be required, and also, more complex shapes will not be so easy to do like this, if impossible for a human.
Roblox Studio was designed to be easy to use, and I shouldn’t have to spend hours designing a negative part just to prevent colour screw-up that shouldn’t happen in the first place.
I hope that there’s a setting to prevent negative parts changing the colour of unions…


Have the offset bug fixes and cylinder / sphere bug fixes been pushed yet?

You should hear from us real soon. Stay tuned


Hello everyone, my gratefullness towards Roblox CGS system having a hard time after CGS1 is getting deprecated.
I haven’t used CGS3 as deeply as CGS1 but from what I’ve seen there’s an issue which is making my hair fall… I’m talking about cylinder+wedges related issues. CGS2 doesn’t help of course.

Here’s a screenshot of my problem. My intention is to create a conical part but some graphical artifacts caused by numerical issues are blocking my progress.
I can’t find a solution, unless maybe using block parts. CGS1 was able to correctly align the vertexes to the shape without creating these triangular prolongations.

Model negated.

I hope to have correctly pointed out the issue. I count on a practical fix. Thank you for the attention.

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May be a stupid question, but the CSG system is the union/separate stuff right?

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Yes, it is. It’s the engine which provides such geometry operations. It’s a neat way to create 3D models. It really stimulates creativity and reasoning for, you are limited by adding and subtracting either complex or simple parts.