Detect Swift user's using simple method! (PATCHED)

Here is how to detect swift executer using UGC Method :fire:

while wait() do 
                if Execs.Name == "UGCValidationService" then

its pretty simple and dumb ngl which also proves that all executers are detected no matter what.


Vouch, aint no way the developers did not fix it haha

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just waiting for the 20 replies that say client anticheats can’t be trusted and that the local player kick function can be hooked to not work


Client anticheats can’t really be trusted, y’all should worry about protection on server side. Stop relying on client AC’s!


W this dude is straight fire he always had the bypasses and i bet he can detect your cheat w mans for sharing this amazing wonderful information with us peasants

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Hilariously, all executors do this, including Delta, they literally parent to RobloxReplicatedStorage and outright print “Hello from autoexec!” on execution.
mfw testing on live

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You should read the reply above yours


Can we just appreciate the effort he puts into his content and putting a smile on our faces?

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This kicks everybody, even non-exploiters. Did you even test this?

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Yes, I indeed did and has no false positives until now. Depending on what assets you have in your game, it can result in false positives.

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Server side cant detect everything


It can detect character exploits and Projectile Manipulation. (Basically character hacks and Silent aim)

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Depending on the game that’s not good enough

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true you will always need some client protection


You always should put protection on your remotes, and you indeed can detect a lot of stuff on the server side. Except, you can’t detect client things like CoreGui manipulations, Dex, etc.

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Server side cannot detect everything and protecting remotes is a given. Can’t detect aimbot, autoparry, saveinstance, macros and esp on the server


There’s no point in not putting detections on the client. doesn’t matter if it’s not secure but if you do need to secure your client anti cheat I recommend reading the security practices of this post Client-Server Anti-Cheat System with Custom Encryption – Seeking Feedback!

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You can bypass script detections by using gethui() or which makes all ur GUI detection’s useless.

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There are other execution and injection detections and there will always be there because roblox exploit devs are stupid

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Yes but client anticheats can also be bypassed especially when exploiters can decompile game or hook functions they could even report detection methods to developers of the exploiting software so i dont really get why some people still make client anticheats lol

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